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1 Year later...

"So far graduation blows" Tori says while pouting and I laugh

"Tor, it didn't even start yet" Adam says and she rolls her eyes

"Hello Ladies and gentlemen. I would like to bring out our graduates" our principle says and we walk on stage.

"Let me just say that these kids are a very special group and that they will be missed dearly" he says and then I tune him out for the rest of his speech.

"So without further or do let's announce our graduates.Nick Barton" he says and I clap slowly because Nick was a lousy friend. He didn't care about our problems or put feelings. All he cares about was getting Hadley's attention, he didn't even want to be my friend and it's a shame because Nick was friends with Adam, Tori and Toby since birth and he just threw it all away.

"Adam Daniels" he says and we get up and clap and whistle really loud. "Tobias Halloway" he says and we while and clap also really loud. "Victoria Halloway" the same for Tori. "Avery Hunter" and they whistle and clap for me surprisingly even Hadley clapped.

"Hadley Summers" I clap for her even thought for the past two years she has tried to destroy my relationship because the truth is, she just wanted to be loved and once she got it she understood the meaning and apologized for everything to me at prom.

And then I zone out until it's time for Tori to make her valedictorian speech. "Here is our valedictorian Victoria Halloway!" The principle says and I clap. Once everyone stops cheering for her she starts talking and I can already see the tears in her eyes.

"Wow. I don't even know where to start. Well, first I would like to thank all of my teachers for making this journey a good one. Second I would like to thank all of my friends for making these four years memorable. I enjoyed my time here. Even though there was bullying, fights drama and all that teenager crap, my journey here was really great. Over the past four years I have learned that you have to go through all the drama and fights and multiple tears and breakdowns because that's a part of life. Without that, who would we be? A bunch of unicorns and rainbows people. I would love to say a big thanks to my wonderful badass best friend Avery Hunter. Ave, ever since you moved here, I went from being surrounded by guys because of Toby to actually having a real friend. So thank you for all the fun and wonderful memories. And hey there is more to come because your bachelorette party is tonight and we are gonna party hard. Anyways, thank you everyone for making these these for years the best and most memorable. See you in ten years, I wish all of you good luck in the future" She says and everyone claps for her and I start whistling. She walks over to me and we hug.

"Graduates you may move your tassels from right to left. I now Give you the graduating class of 2017!" The principle says and we throw our hats in the air.

The song Tongue Tied comes on and we start dancing. This has been a memorable two years and I am so glad that I spent it with my friends. I have yet to hear from Ty, who knows what he is doing. It has been a year and a half since I stopped talking to him. I told him and Grams about the wedding and he didn't respond but grams is going to be giving me away.

"I love you Ave" Toby says while pulling me into a kiss and lifting me off the ground which the photographer captured with his camera.

"I love you too. I love all you guys" I say and we all do a group hug. Hadley comes up to me and steals me away. "Hey, look I know I apologized at prom but I wanted to apologize again. Because I realize that we are going to the same college, I want to start over and maybe be friends? I compleatly understand if you don't want to because after all I made your life a living hell the past two years. But I really am sorry and I hope we could be friends" she says and I smile and hug her

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