Chapter 3

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1 day later
Abby's POV
"Come on Payton do I really have to come?" I said while straightening my hair
"Yes it will be good for you" she said while doing her make up.
"Ugh fine but I'm only going because Grayson asked me to hangout" i said
"He totally likes you"
"No he doesn't he's just being nice to me because your dating his twin brother" I said looking her dead in the eyes.
"Well you are clearly blind. You can tell he likes you by the way he looks at you" she said
"That's such a lie. He's only talking to me because your dating his brother end of story" I said and walked out of the bathroom to pick out my outfit.
"please tell me your not wearing that" Payton said coming into my room
"Of course I'm wearing this it's not like it's a date or anything" I said holding up my sweatpants.
"No you are not wearing that. Here come with me you need to look good" she said dragging me into her room. After I changed into the outfit she wanted me to wear we left for the twins house. (picture above)
"Please don't leave me alone with him"
I said to Payton quietly as we got out of the car
"Don't worry I won't" she said
"Hey babe" Ethan said to Payton when he opened the front door.
"Gray they're here" he yelled
"Coming" I heard him yell. "Hey Abby" he said when he came to the door
"Hey" I said and walked inside.
"This is such a nice house" Payton said to the boys
"Thank you" they both said at the same time.
"Do you guys want to go to the basement?"
"Yeah sure" me and Payton said at the same time.
We walked to the basement which is huge.
"Lucky you have a ping pong table" i walked over to it
"Yeah do you want to play?" Grayson asked.
"Yes" I grabbed a paddle.
After he beat me 21-15 we sat on the couch with Payton and Ethan.
"Do you guys want to play never have I ever?" Payton asked
"Yeah sure" we all said.
"Okay I will go first. Never have I ever tried to skateboard" she said
Me, Grayson, and Ethan all put down a finger.
"Okay um never have I ever had sex" Ethan said.
Payton was the only one who put down a finger.
"Are you serious" Ethan said looking shocked.
"Yeah but I regret it" Payton said.
"Okay moving on. Never have I ever had my first kiss" I said. They all put down a finger.
"Wait are you joking how have you never had your first kiss"Ethan said.
"I don't know. I've never even had boyfriend before" I said.
"Hey Abby look at me I think you have something on your face" Grayson said. I turned my face to look at his but before I could say anything I felt him smack his lips on mine. The kiss lasted for a long time.
"Now you've had your first kiss" Grayson said and smiled.
"Gee thanks" I said sarcastically and laughed.
I looked over at Payton; she has a huge smile on her face.
------later that night------
Abby's POV
"Omg Abby I can't believe he kissed you" Payton said as we walked into our house.
"I know. Why did he do that" I said walking upstairs to my room
"It's because he likes you" Payton said.
"Whatever it doesn't mean anything" I said and shut my door.
I jumped onto my bed with a smile on my face. I can't believe I just had my first kiss.
I was startled when my phone started to ring; it was an unknown called but I picked up anyways.
"Hello?" I said into the phone
"Hey Abby it's Grayson"
"Oh hey" I said with a smile.
"I'm just calling to apologize about kissing you tonight" he said
"Okay apology excepted" I said and laughed.
"Okay good I realized afterwards that I shouldn't have kissed you" he said
"Yeah you probably shouldn't have but its too late now" I said trying to be hard to get.
"So look I was wondering if  you wanted to go on a date with me tomorrow night" he said sounding nervous
"Umm well I don't know" I said
"I will pay for the food" he said
"Well then yes of course I'll go" I said and laughed
"Okay great I will pick you up at 5:30" he said and hung up.
"PAYTON" I yelled.
"WHAT" she yelled back.
"What do you want" she said standing in the doorway.
"Grayson just asked me on a date" I said
"Omg this is amazing. You said yes right?" She said and ran over to sit on my bed.
"Yeah I said I'd go, but I'm really nervous I've never been on a date before"
"Don't worry you'll be fine" she said "I told you he likes you" she said with a smile
"Yeah yeah you were right. But what if he's like jake" I said making myself nervous.
"Abby he's nothing like jake okay. Most guys aren't like Jake. You will be fine" she said putting her hand on my shoulder.
"Okay. Well I'm going to bed then" I said
"Okay night sis. Don't worry I will help you get ready and you can always call me and I will tell you what to do if you need it" Payton said and left.
I am so nervous. I have never been on a date before. I've never even had a guy like me before.
What do you think will happen on the date? Find out in the next chapter.

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