Chapter 28

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Abby's POV

3 weeks later

I am finally getting out of the hospital today. After I went into shock one of my lungs collapse and I had to go into surgery.

I missed so much school and I'm still not cleared to go back so I decided to do online school for the rest of the year and go back to college next year.

"You ready to go home" my mother asked as she wheeled me to the car

I nodded my head

"Are you going to invite Grayson over?"

I chocked on my own spit and started coughing

She doesn't know what happened

"We broke up mom"

"Oh honey I'm sorry to bring it up. I thought you guys would work out"

"Well I guess there was a little change in plans" I mumble

She either heard what I said and chose to ignore it or simply didn't hear me

The ride home wasn't that bad.

I was still a little loopy since I'm on pain medication still

Once we pulled up to the house my dad ran outside to help me out of the car

"Just being me over to the couch"

Once I was all settle I heard a knock on the front door.

Who would be knocking

"Honey Ethan's at the door do you want me to let him in?"

"As long as Grayson isn't with him"

I could hear the whole conversation from the other room

"Hello Ethan what can I do for you" my mother said

"Is Abby here?"

"Yes she is, would you like to come in?"

I heard the door shut and footsteps coming towards the living room.

"Abby Ethan's here" my mom said when she came in

Ethan stood next to her and smiled at me

"I'll leave you two alone" she quickly walked out

Silence filled the room

"How you feeling?" Ethan asked breaking the silence

"A lot better but I'm still in pain, and I'm stuck in this cast for a few more weeks" I pointed at my leg

"Can I sign it?"

"Sure. Hey if you become famous someday I can make a fortune off this" I joked

He laughed "but seriously can I sign it"

"Yeah go ahead"

I grabbed the sharpie from my bad and handed it to him.

He lifted up my foot and started writing something on the bottom of my cast

Then he signed on my shin

"What did you write?"

"Can't tell you, read it when I leave" he winked

"You know you are just like your brother when it comes to being stubborn"

He lightly chuckled "oooo someone still likes him"

"Do not" I cross my arms over my chest

"Yes you do I can see the way your eyes light up when you say his name"

"Ugh fine you got me there"

"Don't worry I won't tell anybody. Besides he's with pa- I'm gonna shut up now"

"Wait he's dating Payton" my eyes widened

He chuckled "now where would you get an idea like that"

I hit him in the arm "ow"

"Spill the truth"

He took a deep breath

"Yeah. I'm sorry. If I were him I would have never dated Payton after all that happened. He's a jerk"

A single tear fell down my cheek "yeah he is. But I just don't know why my own twin sister would do that to me"

"To be honest I can't stand her anymore. She cheated on me and broke my heart. They were meant to be together they are both cheaters. We both deserve better."

And for the first time in a long time I actually agreed with him. He was right. They are both cheaters they should be together

"You actually seem okay with it"

I shrugged "I mean I'm still hurt but I'll move on. It wasn't meant to be"

He smiled at me

"Well I should be heading back to school. I'll see you around I guess" he got up from the couch

"Yeah. Text me when ever" not that's he's going to

"I will. We both don't have anyone left"

"What are you talking about you have Grayson"

He rubbed the back of his neck "yeah not right now I don't. I kinda lashed out on him a few days ago and we still haven't talked since" he looked pretty upset

"I'm sorry, I know how close you guys were. I'm here if you ever want to talk"

"Thanks abs" he gave me once last hug before walking out of the house

I guess it's just me and him then.

I looked down at my foot to read what he wrote

"He still cares".....
What do you think of Abby and Ethan? Will they date?...

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