Chapter 9

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Abby's POV
2 weeks ago Grayson surprised me by driving 4 hours to my college, now it's my turn to surprise him.
I texted Ethan to get all the information about where there college was.
"Just meet him at the football game" Ethan texted while I was driving.
I quickly pulled off to the side of the road to look at the message.
"Okay just give me all the information. I'll just surprise him there" I waited until he texted back before pulling onto the road again.
"The game starts at 4:00 and I'm not sure what the address is but I will text you when I find out"
I read the message them pulled back on the highway.
A half hour later my phone started to ring.
Since I had on of those cars that you could make call in I picked up.
"Hey Abby it's Payton"
"Hey sis what's up?" I asked
"Are you going to the twins game tonight?"
"Yeah I'm surprising Grayson there. Why?"
"Cuz I'm going to cheer on Ethan we are still dating. Do you want to meet somewhere to get lunch or something to drink?" She asked.
"Yeah. I'm only an hour away so I'm going to be early. Where do you want to meet?"
Payton went to college 30 minutes away from the twins so she wasn't that far.
"I will text you the address" she said and hung up.
My phone vibrated and I knew it was the directions. I pulled off the road again and entered the address into my GPS.
*skip the rest of the car ride*
I pulled up to Starbucks and saw my sister waiting inside. I haven't seen her since the day we both left for college.
"Abby" Payton said and hugged me
"Hey sis" I pulled her off of me and sat down
"Sorry about that abs I've just missed you" she took a sip of her coffee
"I've missed you too. How's college going?" I asked changing the subject
"Amazing. How about you?"
"It's so hard Payton. I don't know if I can do this" a tear fell down my cheek
"Well of course it's going to be hard you want to be a neuropsychologist (that's what I what to be someday).
"I know it's something I love to learn about but all these words that I have to learn is hard"
"Hey abs look at me" I looked up at her "you are an extremely smart girl. you can do this I know you can" she grabbed onto my arm.
"I know but it's just that I have to learn so much in one night I just can't do it"
"You can do it I believe in you....oh Ethan just texted he said the game starts soon so we should probably get going" we both stood up and walked to our cars.
"Do you want to ride with me since I know where I'm going?" Payton asked
"No that's okay I will just follow you" I got in my car
*skip car ride*
We pulled into the parking lot just as the game started.
We quickly ran to the bleachers and found a seat.
Grayson was starting but Ethan wasn't.
He looked up and saw me. A huge smile appeared on his face and he waved.
*skip game*
After the game Grayson came running up to me.
"Hey this is a such a surprise" he hugged me.
"Ew gray your all sweaty and gross" I tried to pull away but he held on tight.
"I'm sure you like it" he joked and pulled me closer to his body.
"Grayson I'm serious go take a shower you stink" I put my hand up to my nose
"Okay fine" he let go of me. "Are you going to stay the night?"
"I was hoping to is that alright?" We started walking towards the car
"Yeah that's fine I'll just kick Ethan out"
"Are you guys roommates?"
"Yeah. But I'm sure he can just go to Payton's or something"
"Yeah. Do you need a ride?" I walked to my car.
"Yeah I went with the team but if you don't mind"
"No not at all hop in" I unlocked the door and got inside.
"Omg gray your going to stink up my car" I rolled down all the windows
"Sorry" he chuckled
20 minutes later after being tortured from the awful sweat smell we finally arrived at his college.
"Thanks a lot now my car smells like a boys locker room" I joked.
"Someone's in a mood" he playfully pushed me.
"Sorry I don't like when my car smells like a locker room" I playfully pushed him back.
He stopped in his tracks and turned to face me.
"I missed you abs" he said and smacked his lips on mine.
I put my hand on his chest and pushed him away
"Did I do something wrong?" he looked concerned
"No I'm not going to kiss you until you shower"
"Oh okay well let's go them" he grabbed my hand and walked towards his dorm.
"Oh by the way I'm part of a fraternity so I live with a bunch of other guys so if any of them try to get with you let me know so I can beat them up about it" he pulled out his key.
"Okay will do"
We arrived at the frat house a few minutes later.
"Why don't they put parking closer?"
"I don't know I was wondering the same thing" I put his key in the door and opened it.
"Wow this is a nice place" I looked around the room.
"Yeah it's nice" he threw his key on the counter and walked towards me.
He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close.
"Gray stop go take a shower you stink" I tried to get away but he was stronger than me.
"Not until I get a kiss"
"Fine" I gave him a quick kiss and he instantly let go.
"You can just hangout in my room while I shower. There shouldn't be any guys here for a while they are all out partying" he started walking toward his room.
"Yeah I don't mind"
20 minutes later Grayson walked back into his room with only a towel on his lower half.
And let me just say he looked hot.
"There you happy I don't smell anymore" he threw the towel he used to dry his hair at me.
I threw it back at him. "That's nasty it's all wet" I wiped my hands on my pants.
He didn't say anything he just laughed.
"Don't laugh it's not funny" I pushed him
He didn't say anything he just threw me over his shoulder and placed me on his bed.
"What are you going to do about it" he said in a sexy voice
"This" I said and kissed him.
Our lips moved in sync.
Thought I would leave it on a cliff hanger.

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