Chapter 8

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Happy thanksgiving everyone!!!
1 month later
Abby's POV
It's already September and I haven't seen Grayson in a month. He never really text or calls me anymore. I made new friends had college but it wasn't as special as me and Grayson's friendship.
It was 11:00 in the morning when I heard a knock on my door. I didn't want to get up and face my boyfriend so I just stayed still.
They kept on knocking for a full minute.
Shit he's going to beat me up again if I don't open the door I thought to myself.
I finally got the courage to open the door.
"What do you wa-...Grayson?" I jumped into his arms when I saw him
"Hey abs" he said as he spun around in a circle
"What are you doing here" I said letting go of him.
"I'm here to see you.... What happened to your eye?" He touched it
"Nothing I just fell is all" I said pulling away and covering my bruised arms.
"That's a lie it looks like someone punched you. Who did this to you?"
"No one"
"Abby tell me right now" he yelled
"Okay fine it's my boyfriend tom" I sat down on my bed.
"Where is he" Grayson was getting mad.
"Grayson please don't do anything to him it's just going to make things worse"
"No it's not, just tell me where he is" he said while pacing back and forth.
"Okay fine his room is a few floors above mine but please don't hurt him" I said trying to calm down Grayson.
"No can do. He hurt my best friend" he said and ran out the door to find him.
"GRAYSON STOP" I yelled and ran after him.
I ran up to Toms room just as Grayson got there.
"Open the door you son of a bitch" Grayson yelled as he pounded on the door.
"What the hell do you want" tom said while opening the door
Grayson didn't say anything he just punched tom in the face.
Tom pushed Grayson up against the wall and started beating him up.
"Tom stop leave him alone" I yelled trying to break them apart.
Tom turned and looked at me before punching me in the face.
"Never touch my best friend again" Grayson yelled and knocked him out.
"Abby are you okay" Grayson said helping me off the ground.
"Yeah I'm fine probably just going to have another black eye"
"Come on let's go get you cleaned up" he said picking me up like a bride and carried be back to my dorm.
"What about you, you are more scraped up then me"
"I'm fine Abby let's just take care of you first"
He carried me back to my room and placed me on my bed.
"I don't think he's going to be bothering you anymore" Grayson said handing me an icepack for my eye.
"I hope not he's so scary" I said leaning my head on his shoulder. "Thank you for sticking up for me"
"That's what friends are for" he said and patted my leg.
"Why exactly did you come 4 hours to see me?" I asked lifting my head off his shoulder to look at him.
He looked at the ground for a minute before speaking
"I'm probably going to regret this but whatever" he said then smacked his lips on mine.
I kissed him back.
He pulled away and put his forehead against my forehead.
"I've been wanting to do that for years" he said.
"Gray-" he cut me off "Abby I'm sorry I just had to do that. You may not feel that way about me but I just needed to do that"
"Well like I was about to say before you cut me off. I thought you moved on. You never tried to kiss me or say anything about dating after the first date I thought you gave up"
"I never gave up on us I just didn't want to pressure you into anything so I didn't saying anything. I've never lost feelings for you"
"Grayson I wish you told me earlier before I dated tom"
"I wanted to that's what I was going to tell you the day you left but I chickened out"
"We live 4 hours away from each other I don't think dating will work" I said
He thought for a minute before speaking again "Then let's just be friends with benefits" he said raising his eyebrows
"I like that" I said and put my head on his chest.
He kissed the top of my head and pulled me close.
"I'm starving wanna go get pizza?" I asked changing the subject
"Hell yeah let's go" he stood up and walked towards the door.
"Wait we should clean you up first you have blood all over you" I said taking a look at his cuts and bruises
"I'm fine let's go"
"Grayson Bailey Dolan sit down on the bed right now" I said sternly while pointing to the bed.
He put his hands up in surrender and sat on the bed.
"This might hurt a little" I said and dabbed a washcloth on his cuts.
He Winced at the pain.
"There all better" I said and kissed his forehead.
He stood up from the bed and pushed me up against the wall.
"I really like you Abby" he said quietly
"I like you too gray" I said and kissed him. "Come on let's go get something to eat"
"Or we could just stay here and makeout" he said lifting one eyebrow.
"I don't think so I'm hungry" I said and playfully smacked his arm.
----10 hours later----
It was around 11:00 and we finally got back to the dorm.
"Are you staying for the night?" I asked falling back onto my bed
"I was hoping to. Do you mind?"
"No not at all" I said moving over so he could fit. It was only a twin size mattress so we had to squish together but I didn't mind.
He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close to his body. He was shirtless and let me just say he looked hot.
"I'm so glad you came" I said snuggling my head up against his chest.
"Me too I missed you" he kissed the top of my head.
"I really thought you moved on after that first date"
"Abs I never moved on I just didn't wasn't to pressure you into a relationship until you were ready so I just dropped it"
"Well that's why I dated all those other guys. It was my way of 'moving on' from you" I said looking up at him.
"Yeah that's the same reason I dated those girls. But at least we've got each other now" he said and kissed my lips.
I pulled away and smiled.
To be honest it was a little weird kissing my best friend but I guess I will get used to it.
"I'm so tired" I yawned.
"Well then let's get you to sleep princess" he said which made me blush.
"Night" I said giving him one last kiss before closing my eyes.
This friends with benefits thing is actually nice.
Looks like Grayson got Abby after all. Let's see how well they can keep it up living 4 hours away.

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