Chapter 15

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It's snowing at my house and I don't like it
Abbys POV
It's been a week since I ended what ever the hell the relationship or friends with benefits thing was with Grayson and I thought he would try to contact me but so far I've got nothing.
I really care about him. I want an actual relationship but long distance doesn't usually work.
I've been doing terrible in my classes. Going back to my dorm and just sleeping. My roommate hasn't even tried to talk to me since the night I got home.
I heard a knock on the door. But I didn't bother to get up. My hair was a mess and I just wanted to stay in bed and watch Netflix.
Grayson is or was my best friend and I never lost feelings for him. It sucks not being able to talk to the one person you care about.
The knocking continue and I realized that it was probably just my roommate locked out of our room.
I slowly got up and walked to the door.
I Rubbed my eyes and opened the door.
Payton was standing there.
"Payton what are you doing here?" I asked in shock.
"I came to check on you. You haven't been answering my text or calls" she walked into the room and looked around.
"I can tell you a mess" she looked up at my hair.
"shut up I know" I looked in the mirror.
"So how have you been?" She sat on my bed.
"Okay" I lied.
She gave me the death glare.
"Abigail Marie I know that look. Your not okay" she raised her voice.
"Okay fine I'm a wreck"
"Why. What happened?"
"Me and Grayson is what happened"
"Did he break you heart is that what happened" she looked annoyed.
"No I ended it because I thought it would be better but its not. I don't want to be friends with benefits I want to have a real relationship but long distance doesn't usually work. And I thought he would try to contact me but he hasn't and it just hurts. He's my best friend" I took a deep breath.
"Aw Abby I'm so sorry that happened. Have you tried to contact him?"
I shook my head no. "I thought that if he actually want me he would try to win me back"
"Just call him. And if he moves on then you know it's not meant to be". She always has the best advice
"It's not that easy I don't want him to think I'm just trying to cause drama. I'm just going to have to move on I can't call him"
"Okay whatever it's your relationship" she put her hands up as if she was surrendering. "But there's something I should tell you" she looked nervous.
"Are you pregnant?" Was the first thing I thought she would say.
What she sleeps around a lot.
"No" she hit me. "I may or may not be cheating on Ethan"
"What Payton why would you cheat?" I was shocked. I mean she sleeps around but she's never cheated before.
"I don't know I just want to explore other relationships while still being able to run back to Ethan"
I rolled my eyes at her.
"I don't know what to do?" She was worried.
"Who ever you like more stay with them"
She took a deep breath "I'm going to have to break up with Ethan"
"Payton he loves you"
"I know he does but this new guy treats me better and I'm not happy with Ethan"
"Well what ever make you happy I guess" I gave up on trying to convince her to stay with Ethan it's hopeless.
"Looks like both our relationships with the twins don't work out after all" she chuckled. I obviously didn't.
I laid back down and buried my head into my pillow.
I just wanted to be alone.
"Payton I just want to be alone do you think you could leave?" I asked hoping she would say yes.
"No can do sis, we are going to the mall" she tugged on my arm.
"No I want to stay here plus I'm all gross"
"Then shower first" Payton was a lot stronger than me. She's an extremely competitive athlete.
She lifted me up and carried me to the bathroom.
I know I'm not getting out of this one, I'm going to have to suck it up and go.
Sorry this is a short chapter. I have writers block. Find out what happens at the mall in the next chapter!

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