Chapter 20

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Abby's POV

I grabbed my phone off my nightstand and noticed a notification.

From Grayson

Instagram: Graysondolan tagged you in a photo.

My eyebrows scrunched together. I was confused. Why would he post a picture of me. (Keep in mind they aren't famous in this)

I opened Instagram and look at the photo he posted.

It was a picture of us making funny faces which was taken the last day of junior year.

I looked at the caption

"Just posting a best friend appreciation post because I fricking miss my best friend. I really miss you abs please talk to me"

I rolled my eyes and dialed his number.

"Hey you called" he sounded happy.

"Yeah I did. What's with the post?" not that I don't like that, because I do like that he still cares about me.

"I was just missing my best friend is all"

"Grayson are you drunk again?"

"No not at all I just really screwed up and I didn't know anything else to do"

"You could have just call me and talked to me about it"

"You slapped me across the face and left when I told you I had a girlfriend. It wasn't even easy to post it after that happened"

"About that I'm really sorry for slapping you" I really was sorry about it.

"Apology accepted. Why exactly did you slap me?" He asked

I stayed silent. I can't let him know I still really care about him.

He broke the silence "anyway I was wondering if you wanted to go out for lunch this coming weekend?"


"What why?" He sounded up set

"Grayson I was just kidding of course I will you're my best friend" I giggled

-----Grayson's POV----

I broke the silence "anyways I was wondering if you wanted to go out for lunch this coming weekend?" I was hoping she said yes


My heart broke when I heard those words

"What why?"

"Grayson I was just kidding" she started to laugh.

"Oh okay good"

Boy am I relieved she was just kidding

"I've got to go but text me the details"

She hung up.

If I really want to win her over them there's only one thing left to do. Break up with Elizabeth.

----Abby's POV----
I hung up and placed my phone back on my nightstand.

"Who was that?" Derek asked


"Isn't that the boy you slapped last week?"

Yep I ended up telling him everything. I sang like a fricking Canary bird.

"Yeah it was. Let's get back to studying shall we" I tried changing the subject

"We can but first I want to do this"

His lips hit mine. And I kissed him back.

But Grayson is such a better kisser

Stop it you need to move on from him.

I pulled away

"Derek we really need to study" my face was red.

"Yeah totally" he looked upset that I pulled away from out kiss.

We spent the next 25 minutes studying and probably would have studied even longer if he didn't kiss me again.

I'm sorry Grayson

This time I didn't pull away I deepened the kiss.

I'm ready to move on from Grayson I mean he doesn't even like me like that

He pulled me closer to him not breaking the kiss

"Derek" I tried to pull away from him.

He wouldn't let go.

And just on cue my roommate walked in the room.

Derek pulled away from me when he heard the door open

Rebecca to the rescue

"I should get going" Derek grabbed his stuff and shut the door behind him.

"What was that all about?"

"I swear I only invited him here to study but then he kissed me and um yeah"

"How was the kiss?" her eyebrow went up

I rolled my eyes at her. "Let's just say you saved the day"

"What me? What did I do?"

"I don't know I just feel weird kissing someone else when I still have feelings for Grayson. I want to move on from him but i don't know"

"Well I think you should go for Derek he seems nice and he's pretty hot if you ask me. Besides Grayson has a girlfriend so clearly he moved on"

"Your right"

I stood up and walked out of the room.

"Where are you going?" My roommate yelled.

"To go find Derek" I yelled back even though I was already halfway down the hallway
I know this chapter sucks but I'm sick and it's really effecting my asthma so I need to end it here. I'm probably going to the hospital since I'm having trouble breathing😞😞. Stupid asthma.

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