Chapter 5

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{so I changed the title because I feel like it fits the story better}
2 years later
Abby's POV
It's been 2 years since I met Grayson. We are best friends and do everything together. After that one date he never acted like he liked me ever again. He dated other girls and I've dated other guys but we've stayed close. Ethan and Payton broke up after dating for 5 months but are still friends.
"Hey best friend" Grayson said shoving me in the hallway.
"Hey. You excited it's our last week of high school" I said shoving him back.
"Yes I'm so excited " he said
"Are you coming over after school?" He asked looking at me.
"Yeah I think so" I said looking at my phone
"Hey get off your phone I'm talking to you" Grayson said taking my phone out of my hand and holding it above his head.
"Grayson give it back" I yelled jumping for it.
"Not until you tell me that your coming over after school"
"Okay I'll come over. Now give me back my phone"
"Are you texting your boyfriend?" He asked trying to look at my phone but I shoved him away.
"How's it going?" He asked
"Good. I really like him" I said still looking at my phone.
"That's good" he said looking at the ground.
"Why don't you get a girlfriend?"
"I don't know I just don't want to date anyone right now" he said still looking at the ground.
"Whatever. I've got to get to class see you at lunch" I said and walked away.
----Grayson's POV-----
"Are you texting your boyfriend?" I asked her.
"How's it going?" I asked her
"Good. I really like him" she said. It broke my heart that she was with another boy. I wanted her to be mine but she told me years ago she didn't want to date and I didn't want to force her into a relationship so I just let it drop.
"That's good" I said trying to hide my feelings from her. She clearly didn't want to date me.
"Why don't you just get a girlfriend?" She asked.
"I don't know I just don't want to date anyone right now" I lied.
"Whatever. I've got to get to class see you at lunch" she said and walked away.
It hurts not being able to call her mine or kiss her kissable lips.
----after school----
"Hey" I said slamming her locker shut
"dick" she said flipping me off and re-entered her combination.
"Some ones in a mood" I said leaning up against the lockers.
"Oh shut up" she slammed her locker shut after grabbing her skateboard.
"What's the matter with you. What happened?"
Her eyes started to tear up and she looked like she was going to cry.
"Jason broke up with me" she covered her face.
"Hey it's okay" I pulled her into a hug.
"I really liked him" she said crying into my chest.
"I know you did but there is a guy out there waiting to be with you" That guy was me.
"You think so" she said pulling away from me.
"I know so. Come on let's go to the skatepark" I said and started walking towards the door.
*skip skate park*
"I'm so tired" she said jumping into my bed.
"Do you want to spend the night here it's getting dark?" I asked hoping she would say yes.
"Yeah sure" she shrugged.
----Abby's POV----
"Do you want to spend the night here. It's getting dark?" He asked
"Yeah sure" I shrugged. It's not the first time I've spend the night with him. He was my best friend. There's nothing wrong with staying in the same bed as your best friend.
I started thinking about Jason and started to cry.
"Abs it's okay don't cry" (abs is what Grayson calls her it's short for Abby) Grayson said pulling me close to his body.
"I'm sorry you probably don't care about this stuff" I said wiping my eyes and laid down on his bed.
"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked.
"No it's fine I just want to sleep" I said closing my eyes and turned so my back was facing him.
---the next morning----
I woke up with Grayson's arm wrapped around me. His body close to mine.
"Grayson off of me" I said loudly pushing him off me.
"Sorry" he said and yawned.
"Shit were late for school" I said looking at the clock which said 9:30
"Crap" he said getting up and grabbing clothes.
"I don't have any clothes to wear"
"Um here just wear one of my shirts" he said tossing me one of his shirts.
We quickly rode our skateboards to school and ran to class.
"Abby where were you last night?" Payton asked
"I spent the night at Grayson's it was getting late when I got back so I just stayed the night"
"Did you guys do it?" She asked with a smirk on her face.
"Payton he's my best friend of course not we're only friends" I said sitting down in my seat.
"Whatever you said sis. Are you excited only 4 days and we will be graduating" she said clapping her hands
"Yes I'm so done with high school. I'm ready to start the next chapter in my life and find my soulmate"
"Same" she said and turned around.
"Hey abs" Grayson said sitting down across from me.
"Hey whatcha got in there" I asked pointing to the big envelope.
"It's my Time capsule" he said opening it up to pull out papers and pictures.
"I'm going to go get mine be right back"
I came back and saw Grayson holding up a photo and laughing
"What are you laughing at?" I asked taking a look in my time capsule.
"It's the picture of us from last year" he said handing it to me.
"Omg you put this one in there" I started laughing.
"Of course I did its Hilarious" he said while laughing. (Picture above. Its actually really funny I'm laughing right now)
"Wow gee thanks for finding a good one of me" I said while looking thought the other photos in his capsule it was just of me and him and him and Ethan.
"You look fine" he said grabbing the pictures out of my hand.
"Look at this one" I said pulling it out of my capsules
"I love this one" I said handing him the photo
"Me too. It's the first normal picture we have" he said handing it back to me.
"I'm going to miss you in college"
"Same. It's going to be wired being 4 hours away from my best friend" he said and scratched his head.
"Im sure we can find away to hangout even if it's for an hour" I said. I really didn't want to loose Grayson. He's been the best friend I've ever had.
"We'll make it work. So changing the topic are you coming to me and Ethan's graduation party on Friday after graduation?" He asked
"Of course I'm coming I'm not sure if Payton is coming but I'm definitely going"
"She doesn't have to come but I want you to come" he said.
He's been acting weird lately.
Plot twist!!!

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