Chapter 6

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Abby's POV
"And now I'd like to congratulate the class of 2018" the principal said as we all threw our caps in the air.
We grabbed our caps and ran off the bleachers.
"We did it" I said hugging Grayson.
"Finally" he hugged me tight.
"Abby mom wants pictures of us" Payton said coming up to me.
"Okay coming. I will be right back. I want to get a picture with you" I said to Grayson and walked away with Payton.
We took our family photos then I went to look for Grayson.
"Hey Ethan take a picture of me and Abby" he said handing his phone to Ethan
"Get on my back" he said kneeing on the the ground so I could get on his back.
"Okay 1...2...3" Ethan said and took the photo"
"Thanks bro. Hey Did you bring your bathing suit for the party?" He asked looking at the picture.
"Of course I did"
*skip party*
"I'm exhausted" I fell back on his bed.
"Same what a party" he said laying down next to me.
I propped up on one elbow to look at him. "Thank you for being my best friend in high school without you I don't know if I would have any friends" I said looking at him.
"No problem. It's going to be so weird with out you at college but I guess I will have to get use to it" he said
"Can I spend the night?"
"Yeah sure" he said closing his eyes.
I laid down next to him and turned to face him.
"We did it. No more high school" he said quietly
"It's about time"
I turned so back as facing him and drifted off to sleep.
I woke up when he put his arm around me and pulled me close to his body. I didn't want to wake him up so I just stayed there. I felt safe in his arms.
I didn't wake up again until the sunlight shined though the window.
"Gray" I said shaking him. He was still holding me tight.
"Hmm" he said still half asleep
I slapped his face to wake him up.
"Ow abs that hurt" he said loosening his grip on me so he could cover his face.
"Sorry but you wouldn't let go of me" I chucked.
"What?" He said opening his eyes.
"you had your arm around me and pulled me close to your body. It's the second time you've done this. Is something wrong?" I asked. I was concerned he's never been like this before.
"Nothing's wrong I probably just did it in my sleep" he said rolling over to sleep again.
"Well I really need to get home. I will text you later" I said getting up.
"Bye see you later" he mumbled
"Where were you last night?" My mom asked as I walked into the house.
"I spent the night at Grayson's"
"I'm starting to think you like him" she said and put her hands on her hips
"No mom I'm just friends with him. He's my best friend" I said and ran upstairs.
"Hey Payton. Oops never mind" I said walking into her room. Her and Ethan were making out.
"Abby get out" she yelled and pointed to the door. 
"Awe look who's back together" I said and closes the door.
"Guess who's here" I texted Grayson.
"Who?" He responded right away.
"Your brother. I walked in and saw him and Payton making out"
"Well that's awkward😂"
"I know tell me about it😂" I texted back.
"Since Ethan's with Payton for the day do you want to do something?" He texted.
"I don't know I'm kinda in the mood the stay in bed all day"
"We can go to the skatepark"
"I'll be right over" I texted and grabbed my skateboard.
10 minutes later I arrived at Grayson's.
"What happened to staying in bed all day" he teased
"You know I never miss out on a chance to go to the skatepark"
Sorry this is such a short chapter. Next one will be longer

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