Chapter 17

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Abby's POV

Its been over one month since i ened it with grayson. He hasnt tried to call or text and really miss my best friend. I should have known that it was a bad idea to be friends with benifits, i just want my best friend back. I dont care anymore if we date its just not worth it.

"hey abby do you want to come out to breackfast with me and kaitlin?" my roommate rebecca asked

"i would love to but i really need to study for my test in chemistry" i looked up at her

"okay well then see you later" she closed the door beind her and then it was just me

2 weeks ago i realized i needed to get my shit together and try again. After the whole thing with grayson i was upset and didnt study. Now im trying to bring my grade back up.

Right now I'm in school to be a neurophsycologist (that's what i want to be someday). which means that I'm going to be in school for a long time

I dont know what part of me wanted to be a doctor so bad but the classes aren't as hard as I thought. I mean I had a 4.0 GPA in high school but sadly wasnt validictorian.

someone knocked on the door and i went to open it.

Maybe my roommate forgot something.

I opened the door and saw a kid in one of my classes standing there; derek

"hey abby I was wondering if you wanted to go get coffee or something?" he asked.

I stood there with a blank look on my face. Wierd we've never talked before so why is he asking to go get coffee.

go you need to move on from grayson

"I'm sorry I really need to study for my chemistry test. Maybe another time?" i asked

His face lit up "yeah absolutly text me whenever" he handed me his phone number and walked away

I stood there for a minute with a confused look on my face before closing the door and walking back to my desk.

I entered his phone number into my phone and sent him a quick text message so he woud have my number.

5 minutes later I heard a knock on the door.

probably derek again

I slowly walked over to the door and opened it.

standing in front of me was no other than grayson dolan.

I slamed the door shut on his face.

this can't be hapening right now

I took a deep breath and opend the door again.

He wasnt there.

I looked down the hallway and saw him walking away

I shut the door behind me and ran after him. I was never a fast runner, my sister was the fast one

As soon as I reached him I pulled him back.

He looked starttled.

"geez abby don'rt scare me like that" he put his hand up to his heart

I didn't say anything i just huggedd him.

At first he didn't hug me back but after a second or two he wrapped his arms around me.

I missed my best friend

I pulled away and looked up at him "what are you doing here?" I asked. I was shocked he was here

"I came to see my best friend" he nugged me

I gave him a blank stare.

"what is there something wrong with driving down to see my best friend?" he asked breaking the silence.

"no it's just that you havent called or texted me in over a month so I thouht we werent friends anymore" I said when i was finally able to speak

"you havent texted or called me either, so I thought I would break the silence and come see you" he said

I didn't say anything I just hugged him. Again. And boy it felt good to be in his arms again.

abby stop it you need to move on from him

"so i was thinking that we could go do something since I'm only here for a few hours" he said when he pulled away

I have to study but he came all this way to see me

"yeah sure" I smiled

"great, come on lets go" he started walking towards the parking lot.

*skip car ride*
we both decided to go bowling since its was the closest thing around

we both got our shoes and set up for the game. neither of us brought up the friends with benifits.

"so how are your classes going?" i asked

he looked up at me "okay I guess, they're kind of hard"

"if you want a tutor I'm happy to help" I suggested

he nodded his head and picked up a bowling ball. There was defenetly akwardness still going on about ending the friends with benifit. I mean we had sex a couple of times and then i ended it between us, so of course it was going to be awkward.

After a little while I decided enough was enough we are best friend for god sake we shouldn't be awkward around each other.

once it wasa his turn to bowl I slowly crept up behind him and tazed him. Causing him to scream and drop his ball

"geez abby dont do that" he started to laugh

I started to laugh as well.

After we were done bowling we went out for lunch.

And let me tell you it was still awkward.

"So this is us now. Awkward best friend" I said breaking the silence.

He looked up. "Yeah I guess. I should have never kissed you the first time"

I reached across the table and grabbed his hand "No gray it's not your fault. I shouldn't have jumped into wanting a 'relationship' so early"

"Look there's something I need to tell you. Last week me and Ethan went to a party and I found someone else"

I don't know why I did what I did but I slapped him across the face and ran out of the restaurant.

I kept running.

Tears streaming down my face.

Maybe I don't want him to move on. Maybe I like not having to worry about losing him.

I stopped to catch my breath, and called the first person I could think of: Derek.
So for some reason the second part got deleted so here's most of it. I just can't remember everything else I put in it.

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