Simon | Tickle

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You and Simon just set up for a video to upload on his channel; a try not to laugh challenge.

"Hey, everyone, today, I am here with my girlfriend, Y/N! We are going to be doing a try not to laugh challenge, and she is really good at these so I'm probably gonna lose, but here we go!"

He starts to play the video and he tries so desperately not to laugh. You don't find the video funny at all, so you keep a straight face.

Another clip comes on and Simon manages not to laugh, the same as you.

By the end, you hadn't laughed once.

"Y/N! How could you not laugh?!"

You giggle slightly.

"I dunno, they just weren't funny."

"You little - " he growls.

You tackle him before he could finish his sentence and he falls off his chair laughing whilst you straddle him.

You tickle him and he rolls about under you, laughing until tears come.

"OK, OK, I surrender!" He shouts, suddenly giving up.

"OK, then," you smile victoriously.

You place a kiss on his lips and you both lay there on the floor until you fall asleep in each other's warm embrace.

sorry it's really short lol

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