Simon | Snow

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This is for YasmeenAnwar I hope you like it. Sorry if it's bad ❤️
Have a nice day❤️

Simon watched her from the bench he was sat on. The snow crunched beneath her boots, and fell gently upon her shoulders. She turned to face him quickly, her beanie almost falling off. She smiled when she noticed him staring. He couldn't help but smile back as she came over and sat next to him.
"Look what I found," she said quietly, holding up a leaf. It had many different colours, and she seemed to love it.
"Beautiful. Just like you, Yaz."
"Thank you, Simon," she chuckled.
She got up again and her fingertips gently brushed against the branches of a nearby tree. Simon sighed.
"What's wrong?" she asked, turning to face him once again.
"You're just too beautiful," he sighed. She laughed, her breath fogging the cold air. "I'm serious. Ever since I saw you hit that crossbar in the soccer dome, I thought you were amazing. The epitome of beauty. And do you know what I said to Josh that day? I said, "Mark my words, one day, I'll marry that girl." I haven't quite got there yet, but Yaz, I want to be your husband. I want to finally call you my wife. I want to slip a ring on your finger, and I want the whole world to know that I love you. And I swear to god, I'll try my hardest to make you happy for the rest of your life if you will do one thing for me."
She had hot tears falling fast from her eyes, and she nodded.
"Marry me?" he asked, getting down on one knee with the ring out and smiling up at her. She gave a sob and nodded. He jumped up, screaming words of joy. He placed it gently on her ring finger and pulled her into a sweet kiss.
"I love you, Simon Minter," gasped Yaz, hugging him tightly. He smiled, happiness oozing from within.
"I love you too, soon-to-be Mrs Minter."

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