Ethan | Thorpe Park

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You and the rest of the sidemen are at Thorpe Park, and you want to go on a ride.

"Oh, let's go on this one!" you shout.

They all follow after you, rolling their eyes at your childishness.

"Y/N! Wait for me!" Ethan yells, running after you. You scream and he catches you when you catch up to the rest of the line.

He tickles you and you fall to the ground.

"No, Ethan, please!" You giggle.

He picks you up in his arms bridal style and smiles at you.

You smile back, feeling amazing, until someone interrupts your moment.

"Ay, lovebirds! The ride's starting!" JJ shouts.

Ethan puts you down and you both find a cart together.

The ride starts slowly, goes up a huge hill, and you see a fast drop. You grab Ethan's hand.

He grips it back, smiling.

"You'll be OK."

You nod.

The cart drops, and for a second you think you're going to be sick, but Ethan squeezes your hand.

"Whoo!" everyone screamed on the way down. JJ was the loudest, obviously.

"You alright, Y/N?" Ethan asks you once you're off the ride.

You shake your head, holding your stomach.

You run to the nearest bin, and throw up in it. You wipe your mouth.

Ethan comes up to you, ties your hair up from a hairband from your wrist, and hands you a bottle of water, hugging you.

"Can we go home?" you ask.

Everyone agrees.

"It's like 10 anyway."

When you arrive home, Ethan picks you up bridal style again, and carries you up the stairs to the guys' spare room.

You have a shower, and when you come out, Ethan is tucked up in bed on his phone.

"Hey, baby."

He motions for you to sit next to him.

You quickly throw your shorts and a t-shirt on from earlier, and climb into bed with him.

He puts his arm around you as you snuggle into his chest, whilst he looks on Twitter at people's tweets.

"I love you, Ethan."

"I love you more," he whispers, leaning in for a kiss.

You giggle.


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