Josh | Roses

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     He admired her bright blonde hair flowing behind her as she ran through the field laughing like crazy. He chased after her, chuckling at her childish behaviour. He caught her and grabbed her by the waist, a squeal emitting from her mouth. He spun her round in circles and she giggled.
     "Josh, put me down," she chuckled. He smiled.
     "Okay, okay."
     He gently placed her down back on the ground and spun her to face him, pressing his lips on hers. Her hands found their way to his neck and he held her waist gently. They broke apart.
     "Josh?" she asked gently.
     "What's your favourite flower?" she asked curiously. He chuckled.
     "It'd have to be daisys, after you, Daisy."
     She burst into laughter, making a smile appear on his face.
     "What? Too cheesy?"
     She calmed herself down and nodded.
     "Way too cheesy."
     "I just love you so much, Daisy, remember that."
     "I love you too, you big fluff ball. Now.. catch me if you can!" she screamed, running off at full pace, leaving Josh to stand and laugh at her retreating figure.


     "I've never ask you your favourite flower. Mine's daisys, so what's yours?" asked Josh suddenly one day. They were sat on the couch in the sidemen living room, watching TV. Daisy was cuddled up to his side.
     "Hmm.. I like roses. They just seem prettier than other flowers. Deep red."
     Josh took a mental note and smiled, kissing her forehead.


     He approached the wrought-iron gates, pushed them gently with his shaking fingers, and stepped in. The snow crunched beneath his feet as he walked further until he found the stone of which had her name engraved. He sat down.
     "Hey," he chuckled, a single tear making its way down his cheek. "It's been a year."
     The single statement sent a pang through his heart, and he forced himself to get it together.
     "I miss you. I know you're in a better place, but it hurts. Why did you have to leave me in this cruel world? Why did you have to leave me in this pain? Why? I just need you now more than ever. None of the sidemen have uploaded, still. The fans don't know. I don't know when we're going to tell them, but I don't think I can ever film myself again. I don't have the heart, not without you. I need you. You made me feel better about myself. You made everything better. But now, everything is dark. Simon gets drunk a lot, he has been doing it for a while. Vik doesn't eat. JJ doesn't leave his bedroom. I haven't heard from the others in weeks. I feel as if I'm the only one keeping the sidemen together. I'm doing it for you. I'm not breaking down for you. I know you'd want me to keep us all together, so I'm trying, I really am. But it's hard without you.

     You were my light in this eternal darkness called life.

     But I know you're gone, and the only thing I can do is visit you. But it's okay, I'll never forget you. I love you, Daisy, and happy birthday."

     He gently pulled himself up, knelt down, sniffing, and placed a single red rose on her grave before turning, walking out, and down the road, continuing life's journey without the love of his life.

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