Simon | Wedding

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  Weddings. Boring, right? I mean, all you do is watch a happy couple do the things you'll never do. And it's not the thing she wanted to do on her Saturday. She wanted to be at home, watching Netflix and drowning in her sorrows. But nope, she's sitting in a wedding as her aunt and uncle snog each other's faces off. Great. She could have sworn she heard a squelch as they pulled apart.
  The after party was okay, because she was sat next to her little brother, who was easily the most entertaining little boy ever - or so she thought. It turns out he wanted to play hide and seek with their cousin.
  So, as she sat staring down at her light pink dress that went way past her knees, and her ugly pink shoes, she longed for her bed. Her hair was done in a weird up do and she personally thought she looked ridiculous.
  The music playing wasn't even things she liked - just things like the cha cha slide and old songs.
  She got out her phone and went on snapchat, taking a quick selfie with the caption, 'omg I'm so bored😴'
  She sighed, locking her phone and looking around at all the people. There was a guy a few seats down from her who she thought was attractive. He had light brown hair and his smile was amazing. He had a dimple, too, which she found to be incredibly cute. He struggled to straighten his tie, and eventually just slipped it off of his neck, placing it in his pocket. He caught her eye and smiled. She smiled back.
  "Bored?" he mouthed.
  "Yep," she mouthed back. 
  He got up and she raised her eyebrows. He was very tall. He held a hand out to her. She giggled and took it gently. He pulled her up. Blame it on the boogie was playing.
  "Come on, dance!" he shouted over the music.
  He started to dance and he was terrible, but so was she. She laughed and laughed. And so in the middle of the dance floor, where middle-aged people knew all the dance moves, there were two teenagers, dancing their absolute worst, not a care in the world.

omg thank you so much for 11k I never even imagined this would get this popular. ❤️❤️

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