Hickeys | Preference

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He'd go crazy, giving you sweet small ones all over your neck, making sure everyone knows that you're his and no one else's.

He would feel like hickeys are a private thing, something to be seen by only the two of you, like a sweet little secret, shared between you both, so he'd do lots of small ones on your stomach.

JJ wouldn't go crazy, as you'd expect him to, but they'd be deep, rough and meaningful. He'd do hard ones, on your neck, but only a few.

He'd be gentle, but rough, doing deep ones on your breast.

Tobi would do small ones on your neck, but wouldn't care when people saw them, he'd just smile at his work.

Vik (him being the smol one) would be hesitant at first, but he'd leave one on your neck as a mark of rebellion against his good side.

He'd leave a few on your neck, but then regret it in the morning as the others would tease him about it.

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