Simon | Bad Boy

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I got the prompt for this on tumblr (@damnsidemen). Lol this is part 69

  Her eye shot open and she quickly jumped out of bed, into her slippers. She slowly approached the door as someone continued to bang on it. Her footsteps were quiet and she pulled the door open to see Simon - the school's "bad boy". She narrowed her eyes, but they quickly went back to normal as she spotted blood dripping from his nose and mouth. He gasped for air. She quickly let him in.
  "W-what happened?" she asked frantically. He looked up at her.
  "Don't worry.. can you just help?" he muttered. She quickly guided him to her bathroom. He gently sat on the counter as she fumbled around for a cloth. She found one - thankfully - and turned to him. She filled a bowl with warm water next to his leg, picking up the cloth and dipping it into the bowl. She gently dabbed at his nose, and he hissed softly, pulling his face away. She sighed.
  "Simon, I can't help if you're just going to flinch," she spoke, carefully grabbing his face and dabbing it again. He didn't hiss or flinch, but instead stared at her and watched as her fast and careful fingers took care of his bloody nose.
  "Y/N, I know this isn't the right time to say it, but you're beautiful," he said quietly. She looked up at him and blushed slightly.
  "Thank you."
  She then moved to his lips and this time he grabbed her hand held it in his lap.
  "The cloth is too rough. I need something softer, like your lips."

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