Harry | Prank

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You and Harry are at a random park with the rest of the sidemen. He suddenly runs at you, and picks you up.

"Me and Y/N are counting, you guys hide!" Harry shouts to the boys. They all run off in different directions whilst Harry counts up to 15.

"Let's prank them, let's just run home and they'll be waiting for ages!" You say, giggling.

Harry nods and you both run out of the park. He starts to video you both running on snapchat.

"Guys, we're running because we told the boys to hide, and we're not even going to find them!" He laughs. You make faces at the camera and laugh along with him. He puts the video on his story.

You both arrive there, and try to catch your breath.

"That... was .. so ... funny," he got out between breaths. You nod in agreement.

After you had both calmed down, you decide to watch a film. You chose Lilo & Stitch, as it was your favourite.

You both sat on the sofa of the Sidemen house, eating popcorn and crisps. He motions for you to come towards him. You crawl over and straddle him, completely forgetting about the film.

He kisses you sweetly, making your heart flutter excitedly, and you slowly trail kisses down his neck. You feel his face stretch into a smile, and his fingers jab at your sides, making you fall to the floor with laughter. He tickles you until you give in.

"OK, I'm sorry!"

He helps you up and you both laugh.

The door bursts open suddenly.

"HARRY! Y/N!" JJ's angry shouts travel through the whole house. You and Harry giggle, and run to the back garden, you feeling completely and utterly the happiest you've been in your entire life; this was perfect, you and Harry, being chased by the Sidemen, and him always protecting you. You don't think that you'll ever stop loving Harry for as long as you live. You plant one last kiss on his lips before the rest of the Sidemen catch you.

"Love you, Hazza."

"Love you too, baby. We should probably run now, though!"

this was shit, ngl.

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