First Kiss | Preference

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It was under a tree, on your first date.

"Y/N?" he asked after you'd finished your picnic. It was dark so you were huddled together.
"Simon?" you replied.
"Nothing, don't worry," he chuckled.
"You can tell me," you said gently. He stared into your big eyes and you stared back into his blue ones. He leant in, and as soon as your lips touched, you knew he was the one.

In the sidemen house, randomly.

You and Josh had just filmed a video for his channel.
"Josh? I'm going to go get a drink," you said. You got up and walked out.
Once you had your drink, you were about to turn and go back to Josh's room but you felt a hand on your shoulder. You turned to see Josh.
"Hey, you okay?"
"No. I've been wanting to do this for a long time," he said quietly. You frown in confusion, but it quickly disappeared as he placed his lips on yours. You smiled into the kiss and put your arms around his neck. You pulled away for air. He smirked and walked back upstairs.

On your third date, on the beach.

"Ethan, where are we going?" you groaned. He had blindfolded you and was guiding you somewhere.
"Here," he laughed. You took the blindfold off, and gasped.
He had taken you to a beach at the night. The sand was lit with small candles and there was a table and bench just in front of his beach house, a whole dinner on it. You covered your mouth. It was such a special moment, you just had to kiss him. So you did. He kissed back, you both pulled away and smiled.
"Thank you, Ethan. It's amazing!" you squeal.
He laughed.
"I knew you'd love it."

In the cinema, second date.

Tobi had taken you to see a film on your second date. You both decided on a romantic comedy and as it got halfway through, a breeze flew past your shoulder, creating goosebumps. Tobi saw.
"Here, have my jumper," he said quietly. You went to object but he already had it on you by the time you had opened your mouth.
"Thank you," you whispered back. He smiled.
After five minutes, it got very funny, and you and Tobi fell on each other laughing. He stopped, and looked into your eyes. You looked into his, getting lost. No one else was there, and your lips met in a sweet kiss you knew you'd never forget.

The Sidemen House, randomly. In the kitchen on the counter.

Vik had been editing for a while and you walked upstairs to see what he was doing.
He was sat at his computer looking thoroughly stressed.
"Vik, you're stressed out, go get a sandwich or something. I'm sure one of the boys wouldn't mind helping you edit a few videos to take the load off. Come on," you said gently. He sighed.
"Yeah, I guess you're right. Thank you, Y/N. I'll go make a sandwich."
You followed him downstairs and he smiled as he heard your gentle footsteps behind him. He walked into the kitchen, you following close behind. He gets out the bread and you sit on the counter behind him. His back was towards you. He turns around and chuckles.
"You look so cute like that," he said. He walked in between your legs and you smiled. He slowly leaned in and you leaned down, pressing your lips on his, and you both melt into it, enjoying the moment at 2:45 am, Vik's sandwich completely forgotten.

In a football video, on camera.

You had been trying to hit the crossbar for a while.
"Y/N, why can't you hit the crossbar?" laughed JJ.
"Shut up!" You screamed jokingly. He giggled.
After many tries, you still couldn't do it.
JJ suddenly stormed over.
"You know what? You're too damn cute and I can't stand not being able to do this any longer," he said loudly. He grabbed you, tilted you onto his knee and kissed you passionately. He took you by surprise, but nonetheless, you kissed back, whilst the boys wolf whistled and cheered around you both.

Fifth date, swimming.

Harry, being the cute one he is, took you swimming as a cute couple thing for your fifth date. He laughed as you went under the water, teasing him to jump in.
"I wanna go in slowly!" you heard him moan from above the water. Well, just about. You popped your head out.
"Just jump!" you encouraged. He sighed.
"Will you catch me?" he pouted.
"Of course," you said innocently.
He jumped in and you quickly dived away and under. He went under. You swam fast away, until he caught you, and suddenly kissed you underwater. You laughed and went back to the top, practically screaming inside because you just had your first kiss with Harry.

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