Text Conversations | Preference

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this ties in with the names on each other's phones, see what I did? linking preferences right here everyone, ty, tyvm😏 sorry I'm tired😂


Moné 😋: Y/NNNNN

Princess💍👑: whaaaaaaat

Moné 😋: I'm hungryyyyy

Princess💍👑: get some food thennnn

Moné 😋:can you bring me a sandwich up? pretty pleeeease? you're beautiful, I love you xxx

Princess💍👑: I love you too. sandwich in a few minutes bitch, you'd better cuddle after

Moné 😋: of course baby😘


Daddy Zerk💙: Y/N, have you got the Dr Pepper that Simon bought the other day downstairs?

Y/NN😛: yes, do you want me to bring it up?

Daddy Zerk💙: nah, it's okay, I'll come get it. Thanks anyway, babes💙

Y/NN😛: np 😘


Daddy Zerk💙: where are you

Daddy Zerk💙: Y/N I'm being serious it's been an hour, you left to put the rubbish out


Daddy Zerk💙: call me

Y/NN😛: Josh I'm safe, chill. Me and JJ are in the garden filming a video for Simon's channel

Daddy Zerk💙: I didn't even think to look in the garden! Jfc Y/N you scared the absolute shit out of me. I love you so goddamn much and I'm coming there to give you the biggest kiss you've ever received

Y/NN😛: 😂. I love you too💙


Bae😍: Ethan?

Trap King💪🏼: yes, honey?

Bae😍: are you filming?

Trap King💪🏼: not at the moment

Bae😍: I want to cuddle, I'm coming over

Trap King💪🏼: see you soon bae💙😘



Lerone💩: y/n my mum is coming over to make dinner tonight

Girly🍓: oh shit, what?

Lerone💩: it's alright, she's chill, you've met her before, haven't you? It'll be okay

Girly🍓: it won't tobi what if she didn't like me when I met her? I'm fucking scared

Lerone💩: I'm coming to yours, we'll cuddle, calm down and make yourself some tea babe💚

Girly🍓: ok, see you soon💜


Babe💙: bog
Babe💙: bog
Babe💙: bog
Babe💙: bog

Blue❤️: y/n please stop calling me bog. It's all Simon's fault you do this ffs

Babe💙: hehehehehhe you love it. anyway, I wanted to ask, when are you next filming a football video because I wanted to help film it

Blue❤️: okay sure it'll probably be in a few weeks. The 3rd?

Babe💙: I can do the third yeah, ok bye my sister is drunk

Blue❤️: do you want me to pick you up?

Babe💙: yes please

Blue❤️: ok baby make sure she doesn't hurt you

Babe💙: ❤️❤️


Jidbog👻: y/n I love you

mah guuurl💩: I love you too baby❣

Jidbog👻: so will you help me?

mah guuurl💩: what is it?

Jidbog👻: Simon threw a wet marshmallow at my head
and now it's stuck
pls help

mah guuurl💩: Ok, I'm coming😂😂


Jidbog👻: thanks for that bae

mah guuurl💩: np babes

Jidbog👻: 💜

mah guuurl💩: 😘


StarGirl✨: I've made you a sandwich, bringing it up now

My Star⭐️: ty 😘

StarGirl✨: np, I love you lots💜

My Star⭐️: I love you more😉

StarGirl✨: not possible, my little star🌟

My Star⭐️: I think you'll find it is❤️

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