Simon | Drunk

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"Y/N? Are you coming with us? We're going to a club!" shouted Josh from downstairs. You were upstairs and bored, so it worked well.
"Sure, give me two minutes!"
In two minutes, you were out of your joggers and Sidemen Jumper, into black ripped skinny jeans and a black t-shirt. You slid your black converse on as you got to the front door.
"Everyone ready?" Simon asked.
"Think so, let's go," said Vik.
"Who's driving?" you asked Josh.
"Simon. But I have a feeling that he's not going to be on the way home."
You both chuckle.
"So do I."

~ at the club ~

You had just arrived and watched as Simon had his first drink. He was a sensible drinker, but there was something about his behaviour tonight that told you he didn't care. He rolled his eyes more, and walked around carelessly. You sighed and went and danced with everyone.
About four hours later, at 2 o'clock in the morning, you saw Simon laughing at the bar with Ethan.
"Simon, are you drunk?" you shout over the music. You were surprised he heard you.
"Y/N! Y-you see, Ethan, this is my best friend, her name is Y/N, and I love her very much. She's such a good best friend!" he slurred, putting an arm around your shoulder.
"Love you too, Simon, now you're drunk. I think it's time to go home."
"Nah, I ain't drunk," he laughed. "Tell her, Ethan!"
Ethan laughed.
"Simon, you are drunk!" he shouted.
"Nah.. Nah, fam. Where's JJ? Vik? Josh? Are they coming?" he slurred, falling on your shoulder. You sighed under the weight. Josh and Vik came over. Josh laughed.
"I guess I'm driving then!"
They had managed to get him out of the club. He got into the fresh air and sighed.
"Where am I?" he mumbled. He fell to the floor on the curb and you gasped. He seemed to have just fallen asleep.
Josh and Vik helped him up and he mumbled incoherently.
They got him into a cab 20 minutes later (because everyone forgot where the car was) and you got in.
"Can we stay?" Josh asked.
"Yeah, I'll get him home, don't worry!"

~ at Sidemen house ~

"Simon, get out the cab!" you shouted frustratedly.
"But, it costs money. You'll have to pay. I can't do that!" he giggled.
You quickly paid the driver.
"Thank you. I'm sorry for his behaviour," you said politely.
"It's alright, darlin'! We all get drunk every now and then!" he chuckled. You smiled.
"Thank you very much. Keep the change!" you told him.
Once inside, Simon fell to the floor. You sighed and decided to just leave him there while you made coffee.
You made your way to the kitchen, and quickly made Simon a coffee.
You picked him up and got him to the sofa, where you calmed him down, and sobered him up. It took an hour, but he was finally at least slightly sober. He groaned. You laughed and went to get paracetamol. He took it gratefully with water.
"Thank you," he sighed.
"You're welcome," you giggled slightly.
"Seriously, without you, I probably would have died. I only remember Ethan laughing like a lot at me and I was really confused why, and you laughing at me, and something about a cab, and me on the floor," he chuckled. "I owe my safety to you."
He looked into your eyes and gently lifted your chin. He leaned in closer and your heart skipped a beat as he pressed his lips upon yours and you both lay until dawn together, watching the sunrise.


800 READS?!


(My friend says that a lot😂)

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