About Me

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I thought you should know a bit more about me ^_^
If you don't want to read this or you're not interested in information about me, please don't read :))

Q1. Name?

Q2. Age?

Q3. Favourite colour?

Q4. Favourite YouTuber?
  All of the sidemen (can't decide who).

Q5. Favourite song?
  I wanna fly - Trevor Moran

Q6. Favourite book?
  All the Harry Potter ones ^_^

Q7. Favourite food

Q8. Least favourite food?
  Pizza, ew

Q9. Least favourite colour?

Q10. Least favourite YouTuber?
  The Fine Bros at the moment, because I heard at one point they copyrighted the word 'react'. Like what the fuck you fucks you didn't invent that word, so you have no right to copyright it. You're not the only YouTuber who reacts to stuff.

Anyway, that's all about me, if you wanted to know c:

~ daisy xxx

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