Yet another beginning

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Rhett and Link quietly sat down at their desk starting another episode of their beloved morning show " Good Mythical Morning ". These men had been best friends since first grade and were now in their mid 40's and had been doing this for over ten years. During these ten years technology had developed to the point where computers did everything for the human race. For example getting rid plague and other deadly diseases, taking over marketing, advertising and political parties from the humans. Humans no longer had any responsibility accept taking care of these computers and making sure nothing goes wrong. Although there were people insisting of still using manual personal computers, MPC's as they're called. Rhett and Link were examples of people insisting on using MPC's. They still had a crew working for them, and still used human controlled cameras and computers, meaning they were often looked at for using old technology. They were currently were the only people on YouTube who still used these techniques, but they were also they only ones not to have had technical issues almost crashing YouTube. Their insistence of using MPC's had saved the internet many times over, they were now looked at as fathers of the Internet. 

" Good Mythical Morning " Rhett announced.

Years of hard work to bring the Mythical Beasts videos had put its marks on Rhett and Link. Their hair was greying and their skin was wrinkling and paling a little bit. The men were growing old. Rhetts hair was still blonde at the roots but became greyer at the ends. His haircut looked the same but his hair was getting thinner. Other is to say about Link. His hair wasn't greying as much and wasn't getting thinner. But the skin around his mouth and the rest of his face were wrinkling in at the corners of his mouth making it lower down on his chin. 

" Today were answering your questions about computers. " Link smiled. 

" Andrea asks, have you guys ever had a computer virus? " Rhett read.

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