You can't hide

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Rhett hugged his best friend, wiping his tear with his thumbs.

" It's okay Link. "

Link sighed and leaned his head on Rhetts shoulder.

" What if Cristy or the kids get infected? " He said.

Rhett looked up at the ceiling, he didn't know what to say. He was worried about his own wife and kids. He held his friend tighter and supported his chin on his head. Link was about a foot shorted than Rhett.

" Link, I think there's something I need to say. " Rhett sighed.

Link looked up at him.

" Is there anything I don't know? After all these year, is there still something you've kept from me? "

" No, not like that. It's just a thought I've had. "

The worried look on Link face softened a little.

" Sure. What's on your mind Rhett? "

Rhett sighed, he had know idea how Link would react. Maybe he was too scared, maybe he wouldn't want to risk things the same way as he did. What if Link wouldn't understand?

" I want to save the world. I can't hide anymore. " Rhett said as tears started running down his cheeks, this was so emotional. " All I know I want to do is to try. And if we don't succeed, so what? "

Rhett sat down, not understand what he just had said.

" If we dont succeed, so what? "

Why did he say that? That's the stupidest thing he possibly could have said. If they would try and wouldn't succeed, they'd die.

" I can't hide anymore either, it's always there, biting me. I understand what you're saying. " Link answered after a few minutes of silence.

Rhett looked up at him, at this point neither of them were crying.

" You do? "

" We're not called " The fathers of the internet" for nothing. Everything has a purpose and reason. Maybe our purpose is to safe the world from this virus, to save computers all over the world. "

" But no one trusts us, that's the big problem. "

After loosing everything Rhett and Link now lived together in the studio, they couldn't afford to still live in their respective houses. Their kids weren't as affected since they weren't living at home anymore. And since they lost everything so quickly no one saw any potential for them to recover.

" But the people at the digital chambers accept people as soon as they apply by their own will. "

Rhett agreed and they later brought out the news of applying to the digital chambers to their wifes. In the end they all sat together, hugging and crying.

" I'm so proud of you. " Jessie smiled.

" So am I. " Cristy quickly filled in.

Disconnected (Rhett&Link fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now