Chapter Sixty Five

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David tied the final knot on the sheet, which bound Rachel to her old kitchen chair. They had pushed the table to the side of the room and had her sitting right on the hidden door. She give them a wry smile and tsked. "It's kind of sad how unresourceful you are, using bed sheets to tie me up? What are we, little kids?"

"If that's what you would like to call us," Chloe retorted, holding the pillow case behind her back. "Then go ahead, but it won't do much for you." Rachel rolled her eyes and folded her loosely tied down arms. She could still move, but there was no way she would be getting out of her restraints anytime soon. A flash of being back in white rooms, tied down to the metal table, flashed through Chloe's and sent a chill down her spine. She never wanted to go back there again, not even in her dreams, not even for a second.

"How are you still here?" David asked. Rachel didn't answer. "Why did you come back? Who sent you? Who's in charge." He asked each one at minute intervals, giving Rachel enough time to at least begin to answer, but she never did.

"This is pointless," Chloe tested, hating plan A. She wanted to move on with plan B, her own plan, the one the others had voted to be their second one in case things headed south. The pillowcase in her hands swung back and forth lightly as air pushed it. The room was chilly. Why was it so cold?

Margaret held Collin close to her chest and swayed evenly, keeping him calm enough to not cry or scream. Rachel swung her head and popped her neck, stared into Chloe's eyes without blinking.

"We'll give her another chance," David said.

"Another chance for what?" Rachel asked.

"To prove your worth."

"My worth?" Rachel asked before letting out a chuckle. "What, are you going to kill me?" Chloe and David shared a look; then their eyes went back to girl tied to the chair. Worry struck her face as soon as she realized they were serious. "You're kidding, right?"

Chloe pulled the pillowcase out from behind her back and tilted her head. "What do you think this is for?"

"She's not serious."

"Why couldn't I be?" Chloe retorted, tilting her head to the side. She took a step towards the tied up girl and whipped the air with the empty pillow case; their eyes met at a crossfire, both unsure of their capabilities.

"What do you want to know?" Rachel demanded, avoiding eye contact with Chloe; she didn't want to speak with her, not after knowing her true intentions. David checked each knot in the sheets and then pulled one of them loose, tightened it, and retied the knot.

"Just for precaution," He told her with a smile. "How about you start with who's behind all of this."

"I don't know who he is," Rachel answered. Chloe took a step forward. "I'm serious." Her eyes stared into David's soul, hoping he saw the truth in her words, hoping he would stop Chloe from doing her worst. Even after what she had done, what she had wrote on the bathroom mirror, she never imagined Chloe hating her so much. Rachel hadn't ever actually done anything to harm her or anyone else in the household, at least not until earlier. Not until she injected the baby, Collin as they called him, with the Bruiser.

Chloe tried to take another step, but David reached across and blocked her. She chewed on her bottom lip and waited helplessly, knowing it was best to wait it out, knowing they still hadn't gotten any useful information from Rachel, not yet at least. "What is it that you injected Collin with?"

"You mean the Bruiser?" Rachel asked. "It's nothing too harmful, it does as its name implies. It bruises your skin."

"Can it cause serious damage?"

"I guess it's possible," She replied. "If used improperly, but that would never happen because-" Her words trailed off and her lips zipped shut.

"Because what?" Chloe demanded, stretching out the edges of the soft case in her hands. She folded the edges back and twisted it around in her hands, her impatience could've been seen for miles.

Rachel eyed her cautiously before answering, "I'm not supposed to say."

"You probably weren't supposed to get caught either," David suggested. Rachel didn't answer. "So to me it sounds like you're going to get in trouble anyways. You might as well just spill the beans and help an old friend out."

"That would never happen because he doesn't intend on killing anyone, no one's supposed to get hurt, at least, not majorly."

"Why was that such a big secret?" Margaret asked, bobbing Collin, the baby about to make a fuss, up and down in between words. "It doesn't sound so important to me."

"Ignorance is bliss," Rachel said.

"Then you must be the happiest of them all," Chloe mocked her with a smile. Rachel spat in her direction; the distance between them grew one step shorter. Only two more left, two more and Chloe would be a murderer. Rachel a goner.

David finally retracted his arm from in front of Chloe, his muscles were wearing out. He then said, "Who else is in on this?"

"I wouldn't want to spoil the fun for you."

No one smiled, not even for a moment, not even Collin. Even him, a baby, could tell there was no happiness anywhere in this house. He let out a whimper, and then Margaret carried him out of the kitchen and into the living room. She needed a break anyways; Margaret tried to ignore the others as she put on a little show for Collin with his stuffed rabbit.

"Why don't you tell us what you can tell us," David suggested with a nod. He pulled a chair over to him and sat on it backwards, resting his arms on the top of the back, staring intently at the tied up Rachel as if he removed his eyes from her for even a moment she would disappear into thin air. It wouldn't have surprised him one bit; it wouldn't have been the strangest thing he had seen in the past few months.

"I know one thing I can tell you."

"What is that?" David asked. Chloe watched with anticipation; she wanted to know everything, absolutely everything. She wanted Rachel's words to ring through her ears for days on end, explaining what this place was, how it was, and why they were here. Why anyone was here.

"Go to hell."

One step left, one step in between Chloe and Rachel. One step in between life and death. Only one chance left; Chloe wished she would cooperate, wished she didn't have the guts to do whatever it takes, but she also knew that when it came down to it, she would do what she had to. It was the only way to survive.

"I would be careful if I were you."

"It doesn't matter," Rachel said, shaking her head. She glared at David. "I won't tell you anything more. I can't."

Chloe and David shared a look, and then he nodded giving her the go ahead. She stepped forward and said, "I'm really sorry for this."

"Fuck you," Was all Rachel said before Chloe pulled the pillow case over her head and wrapped it around her tightly, releasing all the trapped air in the fabric bag. Rachel gasped and gasped for oxygen, but the more she inhaled, the less time she had left to live. With each breath she lost more and more of her strength and her conscious. Both of them knew her life span wouldn't be more than a couple more minutes; Chloe looked away after Rachel's features began imprinting themselves on the fabric.

Chloe wondered for a moment if she was actually strong enough to go through with this, to actually take someone's life. Kill someone completely until they were dead. It wasn't until after Rachel stopped struggling that she knew she could. As Chloe had told herself earlier, she would do what she had to.

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