Chapter 7

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Noah's POV
Since I broke up with Mia, she's the only person i can think about. I miss seeing her smile and her gentle kisses. I still have feeling for her and only her. I called my brother , Nathan, and asked him can I come visit him in New York , so I can see Mia in the winter. "Sure Lil bro " he said. " Okay thanks!" I said. I couldn't wait. Winter is in 1 month, which is a kinda a good thing. School for me has been crazy since Mia left. What I mean by crazy is that girls are starting to go crazy over me, but I Dont care. Its my time to reject them.
Mia's POV
I finally made friends- Lindsey, Ariel, Gabby, and Andrea. They reminded me of my friends back home in Florida. We all were at Gabby's house having a sleepover since its winter break. "Do you guys wanna go ice skating later?" Gabby asked wrapping a blanket around her. "Yeah why not?" We all said. The room went silent quickly. Ariel finally broke the silence. " Mia, is there somebody special in your life right now?" Ariel asked sitting next to me. " No,I'm happily single" I said. I deep down was still having these feeling for Noah, I just couldn't get over him. " Was there anybody special BEFORE you got single?" Lindsey asked turning away from the mirror. ' Uh my ex Noah' I thought to myself. I nodded my head. They all gasped. " Who was he?Was he cute or hot?Or was he both?" Ariel asked. I smiled an looked down. " His name is Noah. We were dating when I was back in Florida,but when I left to come here he broke up with me so now here I am : Single. And yes he was hot and cute at the same time!" I answered. "Why exactly did he break up with You?" Andrea asked. I sighed " Because I didn't tell him I was leaving to come here. Plus we just were only dating for a few weeks, which made him more upset I guess" I explained. "Oh. So do you still like him?" Lindsey asked. I nodded my head- Yes! " Wow that sucks, I mean he hates you and you still love him even if he broke your heart. Thats adorable honestly." Gabby butted in. " I know right, he probably hella fine for you to be falling for him even though hes Probably over you" Andrea agreed.
Noah's POV
New York is very beautiful. Before leaving Florida, I asked Layla where Mia lived so I can visit her. I was just leaving my brothers apartment, going to catch the bus. It took half an hour to get to her place. I finally walked to a door that had a little bell on it. I knocked on the door, and her mother answered. " Oh hello Noah" she greeted. " Hey. Is Mia here?" I asked politely. She nodded and invited me inside. They had a nice home, and they really enjoy Christmas from my experience right now. Her mother walked upstairs going to get Mia. She came back stairs, holding Mia's hand. I predict she had to pull Mia out of her room to get to me.
"Hey Mia, can I talk to you?" I asked shivering a little. Butterflies were in my stomach making me nervous. Mia looked hella pretty right now. It looked as if she was going on a date or something, because thats how she looked when we went on a date, all natural. "Why are you here?" She argued. " Mia Dont be so rude, I'm sure hes sorry" her mother said taking out a batch of cookies from the oven. They were probably on there way to go to a Christmas party. She rolled her eyes and walked to the balcony. I followed her. " What do you want? Dont you hate me?" She asked.
" No, Mia I came here to say I'm sorry for acting like a dumbass over the phone. I didn't know I would be suck a jerk towards you any sooner. All I'm saying is that I'm sorry for breaking up with you. I still have feeling for you, can we just be friends or something?I'm sure you have a boyfriend" I begged for her forgiveness. " Mia, where you at girly!" Some one yelled. "I'm right here " Mia called out ,inviting a girl with us. "This is Noah?" The girls asked. Mia nodded. The girl smiled at me and Mia."Noah do you wanna come with us to a party?" The girl asked. "Seriously Lindsey?" Mia argued. Mia walked away leaving me there with Lindsey. " Dont worry about her. but do you want to go or not?" She asked. I nodded. She grabbed my arm and pulled me outside,where Mia was waiting. I guess the batch of cookies weren't for the party.

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