Chapter 20

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I'm 8 months pregnant. Yes 8. Its only been 4 years since we've been married to each other. Noah stood behind me placing his chin on my shoulder and rubbing my baby bump. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. "Were not having anymore right?" I asked him. "We are having more, how about 3 more?" He asked. "How about 1 more. I only want 2 kids, nothing more than that" I don't know why he wants so much children. 4 isn't a lot but for me it is, because I have carry the baby for 9 months,and carrying a total of 4 kids is alot. "Why not 4? I want that amount and I'm gonna have that amount" I didn't know if he was serious or not since he was laughing. "I just Dont want 4 kids Noah. I think 2 is better. Ok how about we have 3 instead?" I asked. "Ok, let's try that out" he agreed. "Thank you" I said. I was a hot humid night - its June. My due date is July 14 and its going to be a girl. Noah says she's gonna be daddy's little girl but I doubt that would happen.
1 Month Later -
I felt water. My water broke. "Noah,wake up! My water broke!" I panicked. "Ok, come on. Breath" Noah went to college for this type of stuff and this is his time to do what he studied 4 years for. We made it downstairs, " We have to go!" I yelled. "Were gonna get there I promise you we are". Five minutes later, we made it to the hospital. "My wife is in labor" Noah almost went crazy. I wanted to laugh but I couldn't cause I'm in all of this pain right now. The nurses came rushing with wheelchairs. I got in one and was on my way to have a baby. "WHY DID I HAVE SEX WITH YOU??!!!!!" Those were my exact words. I didn't mean to say it but I did. I screamed and screamed. Noah's hands must hurt at this moment,all that squeezing I was doing. I was happy when I heard the baby crying. Hallelujah. I was breathing hard. Than they handed me the baby girl. "What do you want to name her?" I asked Noah. "Maya Elizabeth Anderson" he said. That was the name we came up with, and my mother liked it. " Good" I kissed her forehead. She looked so beautiful. I didn't want to let her go. She not gonna be daddy's little girl, she's going to be mommy's little girl. "Welcome to the big apple baby girl" I whispered.

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