(Chapter 11) The real Megan

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It was 6:30 pm and Megan was waiting outside her school for Christy, her older sister who was 18, to pick her up from detention. Megan hated her sister. She was irresponsible, a jerk, a bully and was almost never 100% sober. Finally her sister arrived in her Lamborghini Aventador.

'Finally! I've been waiting for almost an hour!'

'Sorry but when mom called I was at a party in uptown New Hampshire, it sucks living in middle town while all my friends love uptown, traffic sucks.'

'Umm are you sure you can drive? I'm too young to die.'

'I only had like 2 drinks before I left okay, I'm fine, now get in.'

'Okay but I still don't trust you.'

Megan entered her sisters car cautiously. It still had that new car smell. Their parents were super rich. Their father worked as a Market Research Analyst and got between $33K to $112K a year. Their mother used to work as a financial manager. Their grandparents were rich too so when their grandparents died their parents inherited a lot of money. They were on the top 10 riches families once, but they started spending money and they quickly went down the list. Christy and Megan arrived home to their Mansion uptown middle New Hampshire at 6:50. If Christy had gone any faster they would've made it home in under 15 minutes but if Christy got another ticket they'd take her license away for awhile.

'Mom, dad? I'm home!'

'Hi darling' Megan's father answered. 'How was your day?'

'Okay, working on projects after school is very tiring. Where's mom?'

'Probably in her room. Would you like some dinner?'

'No I had some food already. I'm going to my room.'

'Ok princess.'

Megan walked up her grand staircase to her room. She entered her room and lay on her bed, exhausted.

'Knock Knock!'

'Come in.'

'Hey Megan mind if I borrow a dress?'

'Where are you going? You know tomorrow's a school day.'

'Well Zasha's having a sick party and i can't miss it. I'm the #1 girl, most popular, pretty and wanted. I have to show up.'

'Or you just want to go.'

'And that.'

'You're going to get in trouble one of these days.'

'If I do I know who will have told. Don't forget my one and only rule, snitches get stitches.'

'Are you crazy? I wouldn't tell mom and dad. They'd start monitoring where I go too.'

'You better not say a word' Christy grabbed Megan's cheeks, squeezing them.

Christy then let go of Megan's cheeks and pushed her back. She went into her closet and took the prettiest dress she had in there.

'Try not ruin it.'

'I'll try my best but I won't promise anything.'

Christy then left Megan's room and slammed the door. Megan sighed. She hated her sister but worried for her. Megan went and took a shower then in her pajamas lied in her bed on her phone. She replied to all her unread messages. After checking her phone she grabbed her computer. She sent a video chat request to Logan as she always did at night.

'Hey boo.'

'What's up Megan.'

'Well in school we barely have time to talk since we have like no classes together.'

'Yeah I hate that too.'

'I was wondering, maybe we should go out this weekend. The carnival is in town and it'd be fun for us to go.'

'Yeah sure why not.'

'Great I can't wait.'

'Megan, I know you hate it when people tell you what to do but I have to tell you this.'

'What is it?'

'You shouldn't be so mean to people. You act like a bully and I don't think that's right.'

'I'm sorry Logan, I really am. I guess sometimes I just can't hold myself. People provoke me on purpose.'

'Do you think you can just try your hardest not to be such a bully?'

'I promise I'll try my best not to be mean.'

'Thanks Megan.'

'But if I promise you something will you promise me something?'

'What is it?'

'Can you please stay away from Alex? She's two faced. I don't trust her and I don't like her being around you. Can you please stay away from her? For me.

'Of course. It's not like we're even friends or anything.'

'Thank you. I'll keep my promise as long as you keep yours. Deal?'



'I have to go now my parents are calling me.'

'Ok. Goodnight. I love you.'

'Love you too, bye.'

Megan turned off her computer and set it on her desk. She lied down on her bed. She thought about everything that has happened in her life so far. She thought of the first time she met logan and fell in love. She also thought of when she first met Alex and knew right away that she was two faced. Then she said to herself....

'Nobody will get in my way.'

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