(Chapter 12) The real Logan

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After Logan turned off his computer he looked at the clock. It was only 8 o'clock. Logan left his room and went downstairs. His father was watching tv as usual whenever there was a soccer game on. His mother was in the kitchen. He was actually surprised, she's almost never home early since she's a nurse. Tommy was finishing his homework and Chad was just coming inside with his skateboard. Logan didn't even talk to him, he went into the kitchen.

'Hey mom. You're home so early?'

'Yeah my shift ended early. Could you tell everyone to have a seat at the table for me?'

'Sure thing.'

'Hey dad, dinner's ready.'

'I'll be there in a second, Spain is about to make a goal.'

'Isn't that game old?'

'Yeah but I didn't get to watch it.'

'Spain loses to Italy.'

'Thanks a lot son. Next time could you not tell me.'

Logan ran upstairs to his brothers room. First to Tommy's then Chad's.

'Hey Tommy.'

'Hey Logan, like my drawing?'

'Cool you're becoming a master at this.'


'Dinners ready better go downstairs.'

'Race me?'

'Not today. I have to do something before I head downstairs.'


They both left the room. Tommy went downstairs and Logan went into Chad's room.

'Hey Chad dinners ready.'

'I had some food already.'

'Come on it's been a while since we've ate all together and since mom has been home to cook.'

'Why do you always keep trying to piece this family together again? Face it once something's broken you can't make it look the same anymore.'

'Well at least I'm trying to help everyone. Now could you stop being such a jerk and just have dinner with us.'

'You really won't give up will you?'

'I just want to at least see us as a civilized family.'

'Why'd you have to turn into such a jerk?'

'Why'd you have to turn into a hot head.'

'Face it Logan we all grow up. It's not like we were gonna be best friends forever. Especially not with that Megan around.'

'Could you just go.'

Chad left his room and Logan followed. They arrived downstairs just as their mother was going to serve everyone.

'So everyone how was your day' Logan's mother asked.'

'I made a new drawing' Tommy said enthusiastic.

'The same' Logan replied.

'Boring' their father responded.

'Tiring' Chad responded.

'How about you mom' Logan asked.

'Well I was lucky enough to get out early. That almost never happens.'

For the rest of dinner no one else said a word. Logan was disappointed because it was the the first time in a long while that they all say down for dinner together. After dinner was over Tommy and Chad kissed their mother goodnight and their father say down to watch tv.

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