One: Where it all began.

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Hi, this is chapter 1. The beginning is random I know but as the story goes on you will understand.
If your reading this thank youuuu💚
TeenyVampire xx

It was dark.. That night. Marlton had decided to sit on the rooftop of his work building and just do some engineering calculations. He liked it there because it was clean and no one knew about it so he wasn't faced with talking to humans which might lead to interaction. Marlton hated any personal interaction with humans, suffered from caustaphobia, was a major germaphobe and had convinced himself he didn't feel emotion. So as you can tell this boy didn't have many friends.

He was only 17 but worked as a part time engineer because he was so smart. Even though most of the workers found Marlton annoying they didn't say anything because without him, nothing would be working and they would probably lose their jobs.
Right now he was trying to find the co-ordinates of wormholes in space so humans could create shortcuts for long journeys across the universe. It was just a idea though and it was only 2015 so he doubted even if he found the wormholes humans would make it that far. Seems almost impossible to do to a average person but to Marlton it was just a normal evening after school. Although today he was finding it difficult to plot them correctly.
"I can't work out if the wormhole would be nearer to Venus or Ear-"
Suddenly he heard a loud women's voice shouting.
"Go away, no! I said no! GET OFF ME!" Her voice was naturally loud so he could hear her from the rooftop.
Marlton peeked over the top of the rails on the roof and saw a tall brunette girl pushing a boy away from her.
"Get off me you twat."
If she was in a busy part of town loads of people would be watching but she was in the side streets by Marltons work.
"Somebody help!"
Marlton didn't know what to do. He knew the right thing was to go and help her but thinking about having to talk to random people and maybe even end up having to push the boy out of the way made dread wash over his face.
"Somebody please help!" The boy had grabbed her by the arm and was trying to pull her towards him but she seemed to stay where she was.
Don't do it Marlton, leave it. They are probably just a boyfriend and girlfriend having a disagreement.
The girl was struggling to keep her balance as he pulled her closer and screamed once more.
Marlton this girl might end up dead if you don't help.
He found his legs were carrying himself down the stairs.
No Marlton just go back up.
Down to the third floor.
You can turn back Marlton.
Down to the second floor.
There's still time to go b-
The girl started screaming and his legs started running faster down the stairs.
What are you doing Marlton.
Nearly at ground floor.
You can't stop now Marlton. Well done. His brain mocked himself.
Suddenly he was outside back in the fresh air breathing heavily.
Where was she though?
He could hear murmured screaming but wasn't sure where it was coming from.
Marlton saw her by the bins still in the mans grip. He ran towards her and was surprised at how fast he was running. He reached them and the man looked at him like he was dirt on his shoe.
"What do you want." The man spat at him. Being Marlton he was working out their ages. The girl must be 16 or 17 like him (maybe a bit younger) and the guy must be at least 25.
"Wh-what is going o-on here." He managed to say. Marlton was tall but this man was at least 6'4.
"No-nothing to wo-worry about. Now leave." The attacker mocked Marltons stutter and he sighed to himself.
"Leave her alone." Marlton said without a stutter. The man grabbed the girl tighter and she winced in pain.
Oh Marlton you've made this worse. You should've just stayed on the roof. The odds are not in your favour. He thought.
"Make me." The man let go of the girl and she sank to the floor.
Run. Marlton signalled to the girl without the man noticing and she seemed to catch on and run and hide behind a bin at the other side of the yard. Meanwhile the tall man charged toward Marlton.
He found himself being pushed by the man and ended up in the floor. That is all he remembered before his mind disappeared into a fizzy darkness.

So the first chapter is done lol.
I will be writing quite frequently but I'm not gonna fix a date on exactly when I'll post because I don't want to rush it.
TeenyVampire xx

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