Seven: Leave Me.

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Marlton looked down at the girl he had thought about so much since he left her screaming to him.
"We h-have to g-go." Marlton said making his nervousness clear.

*a few days before*
Marlton looked at the floor where the inhuman being lay still.
"MARLTON." His mum screamed and he clambered onto the roof.
"It was dad."
"What Marlton?"
"On the phone."
"Yes, I'm sorry mum," His mum just stared at Marlton, her jaw dropped as far as he had ever seen a humans jaw fall, "Let's talk about this later, mum. We need to find somewhere safe."
They ran across the houses roofs towards the city square. The city was dead silent. No one was there. It was like they were the last humans on earth and everyone had just disappeared.
"Over here mum." Marlton signalled his mum to climb down into the back garden of their friends house.
"I wonder if Jay is okay."
"I'm sorry mum, but right now is not the time to be worrying about men who for starters isn't your husband aka my dad and secondly worry about other people when we are practically running away from the undead." Marlton rambled jealously. He never liked his mum talking about/to other men because he was afraid she would stop loving his dad.
Suddenly they heard a massive horn type sound and sounds of humans.
"People?!" They said at the same time and ran towards the front garden where they came across a army car that was picking up women and children.
"Here!" His mum screamed and dragged Marlton towards the car.
"Hold up!" The soldier screamed "that man is not allowed on."
"Why?!" His mum screamed back.
"Because only women and children are allowed on, I'm so sorry."
"Marlton is only youn.-" His mum protested but was interrupted by Marlton.
"Mum, I-'m 19." What he wanted was to stay with her but Marlton knew he couldn't. He could be taking a pregnant women's place for all he knew.
"I'm staying here then." His mum cried.
"No you're not. You are going to get in that car and drive away safely. I promise you I will be fine. I can call you mum. Please. Dad said to look after you. He would want this. Please." Marlton said with no stutter. This was the right thing.
"I will not leave my so-"
"Please. I'm begging you." He pushed his mum into the car.
"No." Tears leaked from her eyes.
"Yes, I love you mum."
"I love you too Marlton."
The car drove away leaving Marlton by himself.
"Goodbye mum." A tear fell down his face and he started walking away from the last place he would see his mum for a very long time.

*back to a few days later*
Misty just sat there, her eyes showing no emotion. Marlton had noticed that it was like she had given up on everything. He felt very nervous. The zombies were nearing.
"We have to go." He said.
She sat there still.
"Leave me." Misty said after a few seconds.
"No. Not again. N-never." He begged her to get up but she just repeated the same two words
"Leave me."
"Leave me."
"Leave me."
Over and over again.
But he wouldn't leave her again.
The zombie sounds neared and he was left with only one choice. Marlton scooped Misty up and she didn't struggle at all. He noticed she was very light.
He started running with her in his arms like she was a baby but even though she was light, his heart was racing after a few minutes.
"I." Breath. "Can't." Breath. "Run." Breath. "Anymore." Marlton said trying to catch his breath. Finally the girl climbed out of his arms and started running. They ran for a while but she noticed Marlton was getting paler and paler every passing minute.
"Here." She ran into a shop that Marlton recognised. His parents took him there one time when he was younger when they went on one of their magical mystery tours around America.
As soon and Marlton ran in she shut the shop shutters and locked the door.
It would keep them out. Eventually the zombies would get bored or think they were somewhere else.
That's what Marlton hoped anyway.
He feel into a deep deep sleep and was left in darkness.
He dreamt of terrible things. About how his life would be.. The only comforting thing was that Misty might be by his side through it all.


Can anyone see the o in that ^
Did you look?
Because there is no o
TeenyVampire xxx

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