Where are you Misty?

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Marlton was in denial. He couldn't believe Misty was gone, he looked everywhere he remembered she might be. And the same places again, and again. Finally after three days of looking he stopped. It suddenly dawned on him,
"My existence is pointless." He sat and stared at his bleeding hands. Marlton had hurt them while looking through some sharp rocks. "There's not even any zombies here to pass the time."
Unanswered questions lingered in his mind.
Is she dead?
Did the zombies get her?
Did she leave because she hated me?
What did I do wrong?
Why do I deserve this?

Where are you Misty?

The one thing Marlton hated more than anything was not knowing. He made a promise to himself in the lonely evening.
"I will not stop looking until I find out what happened to Misty." Marlton did this because:
1. he knew it would eat him up inside for the rest of his life if he never knew.
2. Marlton (even though he wouldn't admit it) really liked Misty. Although this scared him, he would not be able to resolve his feelings if she was not here.

Another two days passed and Marlton started walking out of the city they had been staying in. He quickly scribbled a note (when I say quickly, I mean Marlton quickly. This means a letter with perfect punctuation and good handwriting. He would settle for no less.)
I doubt you will ever see this but if you come back. I have left. I am coming to find you. I am going south as north takes me to a inferior field where I have already looked 5 times in for you.
Follow the signs to me if you ever come back.

Marlton started leaving little signs. Carvings on trees and different rock arrangements. He hoped she would see them.
While carving a small arrow into a tree he heard a faint scream. And then more. And then more. Too many. Marlton wouldn't stand a chance if the amount of zombies he was hearing reached him.
They were nearing.
He started to run and think tactically. Left would take me to a back road, which was probably safe.
Right would take me to an old factory.
Left was the best option, as Marlton had no idea whether the factory was infested or not. But a sudden outburst of zombies came from the left and he had no choice but to flee to the factory.

Marlton slid right and found himself cornered by zombies coming from both ways.
This is the end.
He felt in his pockets for anything he could kill the zombies with but instead he found a letter in his pocket.

Dear Mr Johnson.
We are exited to tell you that you have been successful in your appliance to High Oakfield University.
Your application simply blew us away. We are excited to see you here in September!
Kind regards,
Mrs Oakfield.
Headteacher of High Oakfield University.
Great time to find that out, he thought. Just before I die.
I got in. To the college I have always wanted to go to. I would be there, right now, if it wasn't for all of this.
Even though his desperate situation, Marlton smiled like a child who had just been given candy.

Suddenly he noticed a gap in between the factory metal railings. He clambered though it.
The zombies stretched their arms out, trying to reach him but Marlton had already crawled backwards and stood up, dusting his clothes vigorously.

"Now, how do I get in here?" He mumbled to himself, "because I clearly can't leave now, seeing as I'm surrounded by a few h-hundred zombies."

Marlton sighed and searched the grounds for a door to the main part of the factory.

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Chapters coming every week-2 weeks.
TV xx

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