Fourteen: What next?

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By the time Marlton had got up his body was drenched in blood.
The first thought that came into his clammy mind. Not the fact that he was purple from lack of oxygen in his body.
Indeed, the zombies were in the room. The four men were trying to fight them off. But Marlton was focused on the bleeding Misty beside him. As he looked at her, he felt a strong ache of pain. He wondered why he felt this, probably just hunger or something.
What do I do?
To be truthful, Marlton had no idea what he would do. Maybe he could carry her, maybe not. His neck was still on fire from being strangled and as each of the men behind him were being engrossed by the zombies he knew the time he had to recover was slowly dripping away. Eventually the only man standing was Joan, the other three had backed to the corner of the room leaving Joan to fend for himself and he still looked quite solid, his strong muscles cutting through the air and into multiple zombies at a time.
But why didn't he have any guns? Had someone stole them?
Nothing made sense at that moment and his arms were weak but he knew Misty was weaker.

Joan was taking small steps backwards as he was starting to be absorbed by the mass of zombies. Marlton had no care for Joan and actually enjoyed seeing him being challenged by the zombies, serves him right. He ran to the door behind them and it was stiff just like Joan had said. Marlton realised that Joan was their only way to get out, because he was definitely too weak to push the door by himself if Joan couldn't do it earlier.

Marlton turned around to see a very tired Joan who's actions were no longer filled with energy and you could tell he would not withstand the zombies much longer. Marlton really didn't want to save Joan but as he looked down at bleeding Misty he felt an ache in his heart which he had never felt before. He could not let her die here, he would have failed her and that was the opposite of what he wanted.
So he proceeded to help Joan battle off the zombies.

"Give me your gun Martin." Demanded Joan. Marlton really didn't want to but he knew it was their last chance to live. He didn't have a gun but Misty always had one in a pocket in her jeans. He picked up the gun and it dripped with blood but Joan didn't seem to notice. Once he had the gun Joan was in top form, his swift moments darting the gun in many directions. While he was doing this, Marlton helped by slicing the heads off of the screamers when they came too close to Joan or him.
Finally they noticed the zombie count going down and they ploughed through the next 10, 20, 30 and Marlton sliced the head of the last zombie. They were safe for now but they could already hear distant screams of more zombies beckoning towards them.
"There's no way out." Joan and the other men frantically pushed cabinets and underneath one there was a shape of a square in the floor.
"There's always a way out, J-Joan." Marlton crouched down and traced his fingers over the line thats created a square. He knocked on it
and a hollow sound beckoned outwards.
Joan noticed Marltons interest in the square on the floor and looked at him with annoyance.
"What the hell do you think you're doing? Studying the floor for your next science project. We are going to die Martin."
"No, Joan, look. It's a door." Marlton tried to open the door but it was no use, each second that passed Misty's condition was deteriorating more.
"Move." Joan pushed Marlton out the way and after a few seconds of pulling he managed to open the trap door.
Marlton wondered where this man had got his immense strength from. He'd never seen anyone quite like it.
Surprisingly, Joan went to other side of the room and picked up Misty. The other men groaned.
"What the hell mate, we don't have time for her." The short heavily tattooed man exclaimed.
"W-what are you doing?" Marlton was confused too, he thought Joan hated her.
Joan noticed Marlton's face of confusion, "She's a pain, I hate her, but there's something about her. There always has been. I would never let her die this way," Joan said this softly and almost sounded vulnerable, "I can see you know what I mean, Martin. She mesmerises me still now. Let me tell you, don't let her lure yo-".
His speech was interrupted by the screams of zombies getting very close.
"W-we should go." Marlton was lost for words after what Joan had said and felt embarrassed that he had assumed that he liked Misty. How ridiculous, he thought.
They darted into the trap door, Joan with Misty limp in his grasp.
Marlton was scared, he ran to the trap door as fast as he could but as he was getting in the zombies started to pour into the room.
They started running to him as fast as they could. Their eyes wide and ravenous. Their skin decayed and bloody.
It was a horrible sight. For some reason Marlton was truly affected by it. He looked at the zombies and saw people which used to be mothers and fathers and sisters and brothers.
He looked at the zombies and knew that was his fate one day.
Marlton helped guide Joan through the trap door. And Joan slammed the door shut leaving the three men out their to fight the zombies.
"There was no time to save everyone." Joan quickly said.
Marlton was angry, even though he hated those men he believed that no one deserved to die.
"Th-there's always time. I thought t-they were your f-friends."
"I barely know them. There was no chance in saving them. Each man for themselves, that's what I learnt at army camp." Joan did look sorry but Marlton figured that Joan was right and actually there would've been no time to save everyone. It was sad but he was thankful Misty was saved. For now.

Due to this conversation they didn't notice their surroundings. They were welcomed with darkness and thick musty air. A tunnel. A perfect place for a zombie hideout.

Great, Marlton thought.

Where did it even lead?

Authors notes
Hi, yes, it's me. I'm alive. What the hell. I've let people down. I know.
I'm sorry.
But here's another chapter finally.
I guess I'm back?
But I won't put down specific dates I'll release chapters because I don't wanna let people down again.
But hooray I'm back.
It feels great to be writing again.

4K views is absolutely crazy and I thank everyone so much for the support.
Thank you so much!
Anything you wanna suggest or say to me you can always message :) I'll be answering.

Love, TV xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2018 ⏰

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