Four: Please.

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Marlton sat on his hospital bed looking rather bored while staring at the white walls.
"This is prison. I could be doing something productive right now. Not to mention how much work I'm missing." He mumbled to himself and pressed the green and white button that called a nurse to his room.
The nurse walked in almost straight away with a flustered face.
"Can I go yet?" Marlton said and he started to get up.
"No Marlton. Sit down. We've spoken about this and you will be released tonight if the last test is clear. Only a few more hours," She waved him back into his bed, "and then you can go." The nurse said with hope in her voice because she was clearly fed up of Marlton.
"Ok. Thanks." He bluntly answered and fell back to sleep.

Marlton woke up with a start and checked the time.
7:30 am
Oh no.
He jumped out of his bed and half walked half ran in his hospital gown to reception.
"CAN I GO YET?" He screamed to the receptionist.
"Marlton Johnson."
"Yes, you can go. Tests were clear. Just go and see your doct-" Marlton had left in a hurry looking for his clothes. He found them and changed in a matter of seconds.
He then started running to his car and jumped in.
5 miles away
4 miles away
3 miles away
2 miles away
1 mile away

Marlton stumbled out of the car hoping she was still there. He was very angry he was late, he was never late for anything.
But there she was, looking confident but wary. Marlton stood outside the shop looking in at her shocked at the stunning person that was waiting for him.
Suddenly the confidence in him melted away and he was unsure if he should go in.
He found his feet walking backwards to his car. The girl looked up and stared urgently at him with her hazel eyes and as he opened his car door she got up and started running out of the cafe to him.
Before Marlton knew what he was doing he'd turned on the ignition and started to drive away.
"Wait!" He could hear the girls sharp footsteps running after the car.
"Please!" She screamed but Marlton could barely hear her.
"Just drive Marlton, just drive Marlton, just drive Marlton, just DRIVE." He pushed his foot on the accelerator and the girls voice faded away.

That was the last time he would hear her voice in real life for two years and a half years. But damn he would hear her in his nightmares screaming for him.
That was what guilt felt like.

*two minutes before Marlton left*
Misty sat in the little cafe worried Marlton wouldn't come.
She then looked up and saw the boy outside almost frozen to the pavement staring at her. He looked stunned and shocked and his eyes were stuck to hers looking at her like she was a monster of some kind.
As she saw his expression she knew he wouldn't come into the shop. He started to take a step back and Mistys heart started racing. She got up and before she could get outside the boy was in his car. He started to drive away and Misty started running.
Misty ran after him and screamed to his car but it was useless, she knew he was gone. After a minute of running she collapsed on the floor.
Misty had nothing.
No money.
She didn't win the competition.
Her parents probably hated her.
People were after her.
And the only thing she could do was warn the boy.
But he left.
And she was left with no purpose and no one.
It was all too much.
She lay on the floor drained of energy and people started crowding saying things like "are you okay miss?" And "are you hurt?" But she just ignored them until everyone left.
Telling random people wouldn't help. What she needed was a loving word from someone she knew and trusted.

But she didn't know who she trusted anymore...

That's the end of chapter 4!
Everything is going to be so different for both of them next chapter. You'll have to read to find out!
TV xxxxx

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