Five: This is bad.

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|*2 and a half years later.* |

Marlton sat at the dinner table looking down at the meal on his plate. His mum knew him so well.
She'd made roast dinner but with mash instead of potatoes and all the different foods weren't touching because she knew he hated that.
"Marlton. You don't need to stare at your dinner like it's going to eat you." Kiera (his mum) laughed.
His dad had been gone for two and a half years now and even though it was very hard to start with, Marlton and his mum adjusted to their new life and learnt to look after each other. Although secretly they both very much missed him.
The nightmares of the girl faded but still came back every few months. Marlton didn't mind because he was thankful that he didn't have them every night like before.
"I'm just nervous." He answered.
"How many times have I told you Marlton. Whatever will be will be. If you get it to High Oakfield University it would be amazing but if you don't then it's fine as well. You can go for your second choi-"
"I don't have a second choice. This is my only choice. It's this or nothing." He looked down nervously.

After dinner it was about 8:30pm and the two tired humans trudged up the stairs. Marlton said night to his mum and went into his room.
15 minutes later he heard a letter being posted through his door. This was it.
He ran out of his room and found the letter on the floor.
On the front it read:
Marlton R Johnson
High Oakfield University

Marlton ripped the letter open but just before he'd pulled the letter out of the envelope he heard a piecing scream from the kitchen. As he swivelled around he saw a human like monster running towards him. Marlton stuffed the letter into his pocket then raced up the stairs into his mums room. He pushed the wardrobe over the door and sank to the ground in shock.
"MARLTON! What the HELL is HAPPENING?" His mum woke up and saw Marlton leaning on her wardrobe which was now on the other side of the room.
"M-monst-" He was cut off by another sharp scream and both Marlton and his mum screamed in chime to whatever was outside his door. It started scratching on the door and Marlton jumped up. His mum started walking towards the door.
"Stay behind me mum." He pulled her away from the door and she obeyed him. He then quickly picked up a lamp.
The strange creature carried on banging at the door and they both stood there shaking. Suddenly Marltons phone started ringing and they both woke up from their frightened trances.

"H-hello??????" He answered the phone which was ringing from an unknown number.
For a few seconds the caller was silent but suddenly they spoke.

"Marly, it's dad." His dad spoke just like Marlton had remembered. All the memories of them came rushing back.
"D-dad?!" His eyes widened in many emotions like shock, anger and fear.
"Yes. Look you have to listen to me Marly. You and your mother aren't safe."
"I gathered."
"What? You already know?!"
"All I know is that there is a flipping maniac outside the room I'm in."
"Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Is mum with you?"
"Keep her safe Marlton, please. You have to look after each other. The thing that is out there is not your friend. It will eat you."
"W-what? No no no. Lies. Lies. You are LIEING LIAR LIA-." Marltons hands trembled and he could barely hold his phone.
"MARLTON. Listen to me! You have to kill it if it gets inside the room. Have you got any weapons?"
"A lamp."
"Oh no."
"But I can't kill it, dad."
The monster had nearly broken the door meaning the wardrobe was going to be the only thing between the monster and them.
"You can Marly. I believe in you. Save your mum." Marlton could hear screams coming from his dad's side of the phone.
"Are they there with you?"
"Don't worry about me, Marly. I love you. Stay safe and stay strong. Look after mum. And I'm sorry." The line cut off and Marlton felt his eyes prickling with tears.
Stay safe and stay strong. Look after mum. And I'm sorry.

He replayed his dad's words to him over and over again and finally snapped back into reality as the creature was pushing the wardrobe out the way.
"Mum, c-climb out the window." He whispered.
"No, I won't leave yo-"
"CLIMB OUT THE WINDOW MUM, I'LL BE RIGHT BEHIND YOU." He shouted and his mum ran to the window and opened it.
"Marlton I can help you kill i-"
His mum climbed into the roof and stared at her son.
The creature started running towards Marlton and he saw the monster clearly for the first time. This thing was demented and tinted green.

"Zombie." Marlton whispered and swung the lamp onto the zombie.

Oh ma gawsh.
There are zombies.
Well zombie. At the moment.
I hope you're enjoying this story so far!
See you next chapter!
TeenyVampire <3

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