Ten: Darkness.

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Warning: this chapter is more adulty than the others. It's not that bad or anything I just wanted to tell you guys just in case you are sensitive towards kidnapping or (a bit) of violence.

That's how Misty could describe what she saw before her.
So dark it was like there was nothing actually there. She had sat handcuffed to a chair for hours.
Misty could hardly think due to the pain in her leg. Blood trickled onto the floor. She fell in and out of consciousness. Losing too much blood.

Misty was finally properly awoken by a slap. The lights were suddenly bright and she could see the room that she'd been dragged into. It looked like a basement.
The floor was stone and straight in front of her, 5 meters ahead were metal shelves containing random things like paint, candles and the odd book. Nothing to use as a weapon, she thought.
To the left of her was a old wooden door, painted brown and what she guessed was a staircase leading to the rest of the building.
How did I get her? She thought miserably. Marlton was no where to be seen.
"Hey Misty." A smallish man with a scarred face said. He wasn't the one who slapped her. Misty thought the man looked familiar. She finally focused on the people around her.
There was this man, standing behind the small one, towering like a beast over him and Misty.
The one she'd wasted her teenage years running away from. The man that stopped her seeing her parents ever again.
"Screw you." She snarled.
"Hello to you too." The man finally spoke and shooed the other guy out.
"Why the fuck have you kidnapped me, I thought this was all over! I thought you'd stopped looking."
"Stopped looking?! Oh honey, money is money. I wouldn't stop looking if it was £1, let alone £30,600," A smirked formed across his face, "You sure have got prettier in the last few years, I remember when you were a desperate 15 year old. But now. That's different." He put he hand on Misty's cheek, "still desperate though." He moved away and she spat at him.
"I don't have the money." She said as bluntly as possible.
"Yes. Yes you do."
"No." She murmured this time, writing him off.
"LISTEN TO ME!" His face suddenly was a deep red and she felt her insides shudder. "You get me that money! YOU GET ME THAT MONEY. DO YOU HEAR ME!" He kicked misty in her wounded leg and she shrieked.
"Y-yes." This was the first time she had stuttered in her whole life, "I'll get it for you."

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