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IOne day there was a girl walking the streets of Gotham, her name was Damia...she stopped walking when she bumped into someone


....Jason don't be rude

....Todd is the definition of rude... your the definition of rude

Damia:Who the hell are you people

....I'm Richard but I go by dick

....I'm Tim Damian

Dick:Jason...don't be rude

Jason:FINE!!... Im Jason

Tim:what's your name

Damia:my names Damia...but people mostly call me Mia

Dick:well...Mia were sorry for bumping into you

Jason:*mumbles* I'm not

Damia:well I got to get going

Damia turned the other way and started running

Damian:I wonder why she's in such a rush

Jason:who cares its cold out here

---time skip because of Jason's attitude---

The 4 boys were at the Wayne Manor eating dinner

Bruce:so.....what have you boys been doing out in the cold

Dick:oh we were just walking...we bumped into this girl earlier

Jason:oohh the dick have a crush

The room was filled with laughter at Jason's comment

Dick:First of all I'm happy with Barbara and Second she's looks way to young for me

Tim:I thought you a Barbara broke up

Dick:its an on and off thing

Damian:yeah on then off...and stays off

Bruce:what was her name

Tim:she said her name was Damia

Damian:it sounds so much like my name

Alfred:yes indeed Master Damian....maybe this girl is your sister

Bruce glared at Alfred not wanting anymore kids in the Manor than he already has

Dick:anyways...I'm going to get ready for patrol

Bruce:I will not be on Patrol tonight so it will just be you and Jason

Tim:where you going

Bruce:to visit a friend

Dick:I bet its Selina

Bruce:THATS ENOUGH*blushes*

---another time know the drill---

Both Dick(night wing) and Jason(robin). Were out on patrol when...

....I've been looking everywhere for you

Jason and Dick turned around and saw

Jason:so you decided to make it Bats

Batman:yeah...I did

Dick was going to say something but something caught his attention

Dick:isn't that the girl we saw earlier

Jason:yeah...I wonder what's she's doing

Bruce:let's go check it out

Bruce,Dick,and Jason went down there and saw a girl sleeping and a mattress that was old and torn up

Bruce looked closely at her to make sure she was breathing since it was freezing outside.

Dick:should we take her with us


Jason:great....more people
Dick just glared at jason and continued walking with the girl in his arms

Well this is the first chapter it will get better

I mean like its just the first chapter so....yeah

Anyways I hope you liked it

BaBangie Out

Okay now BaBangie Out

A Red Hood Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now