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Damia and Jason were out taking a walk after getting some dinner

Damia:Jay can I ask you something

Jason turned towards her and just nodded

Damia:what happend all through those years

Jason:after I was killed by the joker I was ressurected in the Lazarus pit and I became red Hood after that I made this team were called red Hood and the outlaws

Damia:wait...if your apart of the team then shouldn't you be with them

Jason: yeah....but they understood when I told them I had to come back to Gotham

Damia just smiled glad Jason came back to Gotham

Jason:so...what had been going on with you through the years

Damia:well....the usual went to school...went out as sparklet you know same old same old

Jason and Damia went back to the manor and heard yelling and screaming



Damia:what's going on

Damian:he took my phone...and I want it back

Tim:did you know the little demon had a girlfriend


Damia:so what if he does....what does his phone have to deal with it

Tim:they we're texting each other and I'm showing this to everyone

Damaia took the phone out of tim's hand and read the messages then gave it back to Damian

Jason:your no fun

Tim:*smirks* for once I agree with your boyfriend

Damia:how did---

Tim:barbara told me

Damia:I'm going to get her back for that

-----dinner time-----

Damia:so Barbara...I heard you've been spilling some beans

Barbara:*smirks* well I might have spilled the beans a few times

Damia:so....Barbara you look different*smirks*

Barbara:oh how so...

Barbara gave damia a 'you better not' look

Damia:oh you know like....someone who's pregnant

The table was filled with gasp and shocking faces

Bruce:so...are you pregnant?

Barbara:*sighs*yeah I am *smirks* but you should know.....there's a new couple at the table

Barbara looked toward Jason and damia and everyone spit out their food in realasation

Bruce:and I'm guessing you two are back together

Damia:yeah...we got back together yesterday....

Bruce:Dick, Jason, damka, Barbara

The four looked up toward Bruce as he said their name

Bruce:in the bat

They followed Bruce to the bat cave and Bruce didn't seem happy about what he just found out

Bruce:we need to talk......

A Red Hood Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now