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---with Damian and Tim---

Dick made it to the batcave and Tim and Damian we're still in the cage did you get in a cage

Tim:joker and Harley...

Dick got them out of the cage But then.....

....Oh look it's nightwing

Dick turned around and saw joker

Dick:how did you get here so fast

Joker:Oh I was never there.... ever heard of holograms

Then Harley came being them and poked something in their neck that made them pass out

Harley:night night birdies....sleep tight

---with Damia and Jason---

Damia was the first one to wake up.... her and Jason we're in the back of a moving van to who knows where

Damia saw that Jason wasn't awake yet so she shook him so he could wake up when he did....

Jason:where are we....

Damia:in the back of a moving van...

Jason:we need to get out of here

There we're about to go but Jason was handcuffed to a pole in the van

Damia:why would they handcuff you....

Jason:it's probably me they want.. you have to go I'm not leaving you jay

Jason:Damia I'll be have to go get help.

Damia:but the last time you we're went joker you got...

Damia paused and tears started to form in her eyes.

Jason:I know but I won't this time....and your the only one who could go get help right now.

Damia kissed Jason and he kissed back...when the separated damia wisperd.

Damia:I love you...I'll be back as soon as I can

You would expect Jason to stay strong but he had tears in his eyes but was able say

Jason:I love you too

When he said that Damia opened the back doors of the van and rolled out and started running to the manor

About 30 minutes later she made it to the manor...she went down into the one was there

Damia POV

I made it to the manor and went down to the batcave...I saw that no one was there

I started to get worried about Alfred then I remember he was on a trip to England.

I looked around the bat cave for clues then I found a note

The note:
Hello Sparklet joker here I have all your little birdie friends....if you want to find out go to the place you stay

When I read the note I knew he meant my house
When I got to my house I searched and searched but nothing....then I went in my room and there was another note

The note
Looks like you found my other note.... if you want to know where your friends are then go to the place the joker was born

I thought then I remember the joker became joker when he fell into a pit of chemicals.....

The old warehouse downtown....

I saw something was on the back of the note it said.....

Better hurry out that house....times a ticking

I didn't know what he meant by that until I heard ticking

It was a bomb and it had ten seconds left

Since I was all the way in my room I had to run really fast


I was almost there



I dropped my mask and j hurried up and picked it up



A board fell on top of my leg


I finally got it off




When I knew the bomb got to one I was already out of my house....and my house was in flames

When I heard sirens I got in my car and drove down town.....

To rescue my family

A Red Hood Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now