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Damia POV

Damia:w-what do you mean he isn't coming back

When Bruce said Jason wasn't coming back....there was 3 words I was hoping he wouldn't say dead

And those were the 3 words I didn't want to hear

Damia:w-w-what happend

Bruce:he went after the joker....the joker caught him and took him to this warehouse..... I tried to get there as fast as I can but....I was too late

I ran up to the manor going in my room then I heard a knock on my door

Damia:come in

The door opened and I saw Tim come in

Tim:hey...bruce told me what happend....are you alright

Damia:I'm fine Tim

I looked at my window because I felt like crying and I don't like it when people see me cry

Tim:well if you need anything let me know..

After Tim left all I wanted to do was get in my bed and take the longer nap I can hoping this is all a horrible dream

----one week later----


It was a week after Jason's death and today was his funeral but Damia wasn't going

Dick:you sure you don't want to go....

Damia:I'm sure and I'll be fine

Barbara:well I'll come back here after the funeral....just in case you want some company


Everyone left and Damia went up to her room

When she got to her room she decided to take a walk around Gotham....the only outfit
She had in mind was the outfit he bought her at the mall

Damia was walking on the streets of Gotham...soon it was starting to get dark so she headed back to the manor....when she got to the manor....

.....Mistress Damia would you like to sit down for dinner

Damia turned around and saw Alfred next to the dinner table

Damia:no thanks Alfie I'm not that hungry

Alfred just nodded and Damia went up to her room....minutes later she heard a knock and the door opened

....Hey mia

Damia turned around and saw Barbara at her door

Damia:oh hey Babs...what are you doing here

Barbara:well I did say I would come see you after the funeral

Damia:oh yeah....Babs could you do me a favor

Barbara:anything.....what is it

Damia:could you come with me to his grave....I don't want to go alone

Barbara:*smiles*of course I'll come

Barbara and Damia went to the grave....when they got there Damia went up to the grave...and she crouched down to it and put a red rose in front of it

Barbara: you know....its okay to cry

And that did it....after Barbara said that Damia hugged Barbara still crouched down next to the grave and started crying

They eventually went back in the manor.... But Barbara went home...when Damia got there she just sat in her room thinking and thinking

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