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Damia woke up and felt a hand around her waist she looked up and saw it was Jason

She shook him lightly to wake him up but all he did was turn on his side going back to sleep

But Damia knew what would get him up

Damia:Jason the joker broke into the house


Damia:Jay...I just said that to wake you up

Jason just glared and Damia just continued to laugh

Jason:that's cold...

Damia:what are you even doing did you get here

Jason:I picked the lock...and I came because....

Damia looked at Jason waiting for an answer

Jason:I get nightmares about my death and I had one last night

Damia:well... if you have another your welcome to come and stay for the night

Jason smiled and kissed her

Damia:do you want something to drink


Damia got up and went into the kitchen and a few minutes later she came in with a cup of coffee

Damia: careful it's hot

Jason:but not hotter than you*smirks*

That made Damian blush and playfully punches his arm...but not the one with the coffee

Then she got a phone call from Barbara

After she was done talking to Barbara she went back to Jason

Damia:hey...we gotta get to the manor

Jason:why what's wrong?

Damian:babs just called she and Dick got in an argument....again....and Dick is talking about how he's not gonna get a break

Jason grumed and got up

Jason:that damn Dick.....

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