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Bruce met Damia,Jason,Dick,and Barbara in the bat cave do know your putting Barbara in danger by getting her pregnant

Dick:I know but...

Bruce:your being have to be more careful next time

Barbara:were sorry...well be more careful

Bruce:good...could you leave so I could talk to Damia and Jason....alone

Dick and Barbara left and it was just Bruce,Jason,and Damia

Bruce:I thought we decided that it would be best if you two aren't together anymore

Damia:actually. Bruce you decided on that...and Jason came by....before you came by with Dick yesterday

Jason:yeah....and you cant decide who we date or not I'm 21 years old

Damia:Jason's right even though I'm 19 I do have the right to be with who ever I want

Bruce:*sighs* just be careful...

Damia:so....your okay with it

Bruce:I'm not saying that two would do whatever you want anyways

Damia:got that right *smirks*

Damia and Jason left back to the manor while Bruce stayed in the batcave'd it go

Damia:it actually went good

Jason:yeah the old man actually didn't yell or anything

Dick:I don't think he's that old

Damia:yeah he looks about 50 or in his 40s or 30s

Tim:or maybe 19

Jason:19? Really Tim k mean come on....he looks way older than 19

Damia:no where near about 1000

Everyone laughed at what Damia said

Jason:you know....this is why I love this girl

Alfred:Master Bruce's age is no where near 1000 misstress Damia

Tim:it's hard to tell *chuckles*

Damia:okay well I'm going home bye everyone
After Damia left everyone started to leave the manor

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