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Damia sped all the way downtown when she got to an old warehouse she looked through the window

Joker:looks Like we have all of the batfamily here

Then Damian kicked the window and jumped down there

Damia:not all of them

Joker:looks like we have an unwanted party guest...if you want to be invited you gotta tell me....who's the bats

Damia:okay I'll tell ya

Joker:this was easier that I thought.... who is the bats

Everyone looked at Damia like she was crazy...

Damia:come closer

Joker came closer

Damia:little more closer

Joker came a little more closer

Damia:the bats is....

Then BAM she punched him in the face.

Damia:my fist...that's his name

Joker:you just made the wrong choice

The joker swinged a punch but Damia caught his fist and flipped him on the ground

There was a rope bridge and Damian had to cross it to get everyone free

She pushed a button and it in cuffed the metal handcuffs that was connected to the chair

Bruce:Sparkler look out!!

But it was too late joker had already hit her in the back with a crowbar

But she rolled over and got up she was on the edge of the rope bridge and joker was further back on it he started to cut the bridge when he did it fell but it was still connected to wear the whole thing fell

Joker:you see...this is chemical assist and if anyone falls in it..... their dead

Damia kicked Joker in the face and he fell In the chemical assit

That was the end of the joker

Jason:Grab my hand!!

Damia:I can't I'm to low...

Jason reached further to reach Damia's hand but the rope bridge broke making it fall in the chemical assist..

Everyone screamed out when it fell.....

A Red Hood Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now