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I looked at my phone and it said that he was in Bludhaven

Damia:he's in bludhaven

We all left the batcave and we we're on our way to bludhaven

Tim:why would he go to bludhaven

Damian:didn't he have a house out their

Damia:yeah I think he did say something like that

Jason:why would he have a house in bludhaven

I just shrugged and before we knew it we were in bludhaven

Damia:so...where are we gonna start

Jason:how about we split up in teams

Damian: okay let's go Matthew

Damian was about to pull me along but Jason stopped him

Jason:I was going to go with Damia

Damian:so I have to go with Drake

Damia:guess so and try not to kill each other.

They left and then me and Jason went on top of a roof to get a higher view

Jason:so where is he now

I took out my phone it burned in my hand

Damia:AH...He must have found out we were tracking him and did something.... he's buying me a new a phone

Jason:hey....when we find him wanna go explore bludhaven

Damia:what if we get lost

Jason:I been here before so...we won't

I smiled then suddenly you decided to come to old blud to the haven

We turned around and saw.....

A Red Hood Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now