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We turned around and saw Dick and he looked pretty drunk.

Jason:Dick where the hell were you

Dick:why do you care...

Damia:uh...because we care about you...we have to get back to Gotham

Dick:well I ain't going

He got really close to me and I could basically smell the booze

Jason:Dick....if you hurt her I will hurt you 10 times worse

I can tell Jason was getting really mad...

Dick: Oh like this...

Before I could respond Dick slapped me...I put my hand over the spot he slapped me at then punched him right in the nose

Then Jason came up and hit him in the back of the head with a bottle knocking him out.

Damia:call Tim and Damian and them we found Dick

---few minutes later---

We got Dick and we brought him to his house...the address was in his pocket and left a not explaining what happend

Tim:so...what now

Jason:how about we just hang around Bludhaven and meet back here

We all agreed but Damian wanted to stay

Jason said he wanted to show me the 'Outlaws' lair but he had to blind fold me

Damia:Jason if you make me bump into something...

Jason:I won't I promise

He took the blindfold off of me and I saw a lot of computes and a sign that said 'The Outlaws'

Damia:this place looks so cool

He showed me around and it was starting to get late so we met up with Tim and Damian

Dick:hey can you guys drive me back to the manor


Jason:but stay away from Mia


Jason:we'll explain why

On the ride back we explained to Dick about what happend and he apologized to me and asked Jason to punch him for what he he did

We got back to the manor and Bruce was still gone

Jason decided to go back to his safe house and I wanted to get back to my apartment

When I got their the only thing I did was take a quick shower, put something confratable on and get to sleep.

A Red Hood Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now