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The whole bat family was in the manor talking about the girl they found on an old mattress

Damian:father I think you should put her right back on the mattress

Jason:for once I agree with Damian

Bruce:we are not doing that we are going to wait until she wakes up an-

As bruce was talking she woke up

Tim:look she's waking up...

Damia:where am I

Bruce:your in Wayne manor...but we need to ask you a few questions

Tim:maybe we should ask her in the morning

Damia:Wait what do you mean in the morning... I'm not staying here

Dick:well tonight you are...we have a guest room you could stay in


Bruce:Jason....why don't you show her where the guest room is

Jason got up and Damia followed until they got to the guest room

Jason:this is the guest room...don't get too comfy
Damia:I wouldn't count on it you idiot

Damia went into the guest room and just lied there on the bed and eventually fell asleep

----time skip to DA morning ya know----

Damia POV

I woke up and saw it was 9:00 in the morning....I decided I was going to try and get out of this place...

I snuck out of the room and quietly walked down the stairs, I finally made it to the door but-

....nice to see that your up miss Damia

I turned and saw an old man standing right behind me

Damia:just call me damia

Bruce:I see you finally woke up

Damia:yeah...but I got to go

Dick:well we need to ask you a few questions

They both led me to another room....guessing it was the TV room since there's a big TV

Bruce:we want to know why were you sleeping on that old mattress

Damia:I didn't have anywhere else to go


Damia:look its a Long story

Dick:well you see we have time

Since they really wanted to know I decided to tell them how my parents left me and how they were unfair and how I was treated as an orphan


Damia:what did you just say

Jason:I said your lying

Damia:well I'm not

Jason:well I think you are

Damia:well you think wrong you peice of-

Bruce:that's enough of you to....were going to discuss this later but for now damia you are going to be staying here for a while

Damian:where will she stay

Bruce:like I said we will discuss this later

Everyone went on by their business I decided to stay in the place I had been at....wondering how long I will be here

-----------1month later--------


A month has pass and everyone decided that Damia will stay there for good she was getting along with everyone....everyone exept Jason



It was dinner time and Jason and Damia was arguing over who gets the last slice of pizza

Damian:will you two shut up already

Jason:not until she gives me the last slice of pizza

Dick:its just pizza....come on guys

Damia:but he had like 2 slices I only had-

Damia was cut off when Alfred grabbed the pizza and took a bite of it

Alfred:I guess I will be the one eating the pizza

Everyone laughed at what Alfred said even Damia and Jason

Damian:father I will be up in my room

Damian left and with up to his room and it was quiet at the dinner table until...

Damia:tell me something.... How do you guys all have different last names

Jason:none of your business

Tim:oh shut up jason....and the reason we all have different last names is because we're all adopted

Damia:oh okay what about dami

Dick:well he wasn't

Jason:well I'm leaving

After Jason left everyone else decided to leave the dinner table to go to their rooms....

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