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Jason and Damia were at the mall shopping for new clothes

Damia:jay you know I'm not a person who wears dresses.

Jason was holding up a white dress suggesting Damia tries it on

Jason:just try it on....please

Damia:fine....what about with that jacket

Damia pointed to a light blue jean jacket and grabbed it then headed to the dressing room

----1minute later----- how do I look

Jason turned around and saw Damia in the white dress with the light blue jean jacket

Jason:you look....beautiful
Damia blushed and gave Jason a kiss on the cheek and went to go change

.....looks like the Jason Todd has a girlfriend

Jason turned around and saw a old friend

Jason:hey Angelica how's it been

Angelica:its been good...I never thought you and Damia would start dating you used to hate each other

Jason: yeah.... So how's you and Bart

Angelica:were doing good ...I uh quit the hero life for a while


Damia came out of the dressing room and saw Angelica

Angelica:hey Mia .....I was just talking to your little boyfriend

Damia:*blushes*so how are you doing

Angelica:I'm great....but I should really get going

Angelica left then Damia and Jason went to go pay for the clothes then left back at the manor

-----at the manor-----

It was dinner time and everyone was eating nachos

Bruce:so when are you going to tell us you two are dating

Damia:when we want to....

Damia dropped her nachos back in her bowl in relasation of what bruce just asked her and looked up

Damia:wait what did you say

Dick:*smirks*he said when are you going to tell us you and Jason are dating

Jason:who told you that.....

Tim:I knew they would find out

Jason:you told them didn't you....

Tim:no...I don't know who did actually

Damia:if tim didn't tell them then....who did

Damian:it was pennyworth.....he showed us the security footage of you two....making out

Damia and Jason both turned towards Alfred

Alfred:*smirks*well it was a secret worth sharing master jason and mistress Damia

They were about to say something but bruce beat them to it

Bruce:dick....damia...jason and Alfred in the bat cave


Bruce:dick I need you to stay here since Barbara is at home sick

Dick:I can't I have to get back to bludhaven

Bruce*sighs* I understand ....but I need someone to stay back here

Damia:I can do it...I'm good with computers

Bruce:are you sure


Jason walked over to Damia while he was waiting for Bruce to get ready

Jason:I didn't know you were good with computers

Damia:there's a lot of things you don't know about me

Damia put her arms around jason neck and he put his arms around her waist and said

Jason:oh yeah....and what's that

Damia:that's for me to know and you to find out

Damia kissed Jason lightly but passionate

Bruce:jason are you ready

Jason and Bruce left out on patrol while Dick went to Bludhaven

Alfred:mistress Damia is there anything you need

Damia:no alfie I'm good

Alfred went back to the manor while Damia was in the Bat cave

As hours and hours went by Damia was starting to get worried because it was almost daylight and Jason and Bruce haven't been back yet then suddenly

....damia we need to talk

Damia:damia turned around and saw bruce but who she didn't see was Jason

Damia:what is it and where's Jason

Bruce:its about Jason

Damia:what about him...

Bruce:he isn't coming back

A Red Hood Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now