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1 month later

A/N I know another 1 month later but its just getting better

Damia and Jason were starting to become friends more like best friends but...did they want to be more than friends


Tim and Damia were at the park since they been inside all day

Damia:yeah tim?

Tim:okay....I'm going to ask you this and you have to give me truthful answer

Damia:it depends.... But ask away

Tim:you have feelings for jason don't you*smirks*

Damia:*blushes*what? No!

Tim:then why are you blushing


Damia ran off toward the Wayne Manor and Tim followed laughing his ass off when they got there Damia opened the door and it hit....


Damia:sorry Jay I just had to get away from Tim

Jason:why were you running from Tim*smirks*

Damia:wipe that smirk off your face and its none of your business

Jason:come on tell your best friend Jay please Mia.

Tim:I'll tell you its because I ask her if she-


Damia ran to her room more like stomped and went on to sleep

----DA next morning----

Tim,Damian,Dick,and,Bruce were all eating breakfast and Damia was just coming down the stairs

Dick:what took you so long...breakfast is almost over

Damia:isn't it obvious I was sleep you dumb-

Alfred: Mistress Damia....

Damia:sorry Alfie

Jason: HA HA looks like Mia got caught cussing

Damia:I didn't say the word you idiot


Breakfast was over with and Jason and Damia was at the mall

Jason:why do girls even like the mall so much buy stuff

Jason:*smirks*well can I at least go buy something


Jason:and why Is that

Damia:*smirks*I'm just kidding Jay

When Jason was going to respond he saw a worried look on Damia face

Jason:damia what's wrong

Damia:its her....

Jason looked where Damia was looking and looked in that direction and saw a lady


But damia had already ran off, Jason followed her but he soon lost her..

Then he finally found her next to an old building

A Red Hood Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now