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It was the next the next day and everyone was at the manor guys got any idea on something we can do

Damia:we can watch a movie

Dick:what movie though

Tim:how about finding nemo

Damian:Drake we are not watch finding nemo

Barbara:how about Elmo's world

Everyone started at barbara and just laughing

Barbara:okay...okay for real how about Annabelle
Damia:I vote for annabelle

Barbara:you know if it's a girl I may name her Annabelle

Damia:uh....don't do that

Barbara:I'm just kidding

Dick:so...anyone else vote for Annabelle

Everyone else raised their hand so Jason put in Annabelle

-little time skip-

It was night and the movie ended

Dick:that movie was pretty creepy

Damian:you would think the movie was creepy Drake

Damia:I gotta admit it was creepy but not that creepy

Jason was about to say something but got interrupted when Bruce came in

Bruce:what have you guys been doing

Damia:we we're just watching a movie

Bruce:well I'll be down in the batcave

Barbara:have a goodnight Bruce I'll be heading home

Barbara left and so did Dick

Jason saw that Damia looked really tired and he knew he was to so he asked,"you seem tired,you want to stay over at the manor for tonight"

Damia looked at Jason and just nodded

They were on there way to the rooms when Jason saw Alfred,"Alfred could you tell Bruce we stayed over for tonight"

Alfred just nodded and went back to cleaning

Jason and Damia went to there old room....they decided to go to sleep in Jason's old room

They both layed down and Damia was cuddled up against Jason and Jason had is arms around her in a protective way

-----the next day-----

Damia and Jason woke up about around 10

Damia was the first to wake up

Damia POV

Me and Jason stayed the night at the manor and we were in his old room

I was the first to wake up when I did I tried to get up but I couldn't I saw Jason had his arms around me and they started to get tighter and tighter

I shook him to wake him up he finally did but when he did he was breating real hard

I look at him and finally responded with,"jason are you alright"

"Yeah I'm fine",Jason said,but I knew he was lying.

I waited to say something but when I finally did I said,"Jay I know your lying please.... tell me what's wrong"

Jason sighed and told me about the nightmares he have sometimes about his death but only this one was about me

"Why would it be about me",I asked confused

"Because damia I love you and I don't want you to get hurt and I especially don't want you to get hurt because of me",he said with a tear rolling down his cheek.

I wiped the tear with my finger and kissed him on the cheek and said,"jason I will always be there for you no matter what."

Jason smiled and kissed me and I kissed back...we broke apart when we heard screaming.

Me and Jason went downstairs and we saw Barbara and Dick arguing



I came up to Dick a patted his back putting a tracker on'll find out why later

"Whats going on",I asked

"Nothing just mind your own buissness",Dick snapped at me.

"You leave her alone she's just concerned you idiot",I heard Jason.

I turn around to see Jason behind me glaring at Dick.

"You know what I'm out of here",Dick said leaving but before her went"and Barbara....I dont think we should be together anymore"

It was so quite in her you could hear a feather drop on the floor until Dick slammed the door shut leaving.

Barbara ran out of the room crying I followed her to make sure she's alright

"Barbara what's wrong",I asked.

"Dick got mad at me because I didn't tell him about me being pregnant and that you had to say it out loud for everyone to find out

"Oh my god....Barbara this is all my fault I'm so sorry",I respond feeling guilty.

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