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I finally got to the manor....when I got there Damia gave me a big hug.

Damia:are you alright...

Jason:yeah... what's going on

Tim:Joker sent In a video and he has Bruce With him

Dick:alright.I say me,Damia and Jason go out and save him....and Tim and Damian stay here.

Tim:why we have to stay here

Dick:just in case something happens

Damia,Jason,and Dick left to the location that was sent by the joker

While Damian and Tim went in the Bat cave.

Damian:did you hear that.

Damian heard footsteps... footsteps that Tim didn't hear

Tim:hear what


Then suddenly a cafe fell on them....

.....Oh lookie what we have here..

Tim and Damian looked up and saw Harley

Tim:what are you doing here

Harley:well when Mr.J captures Bats he set up this trap for you birdies

Damian:what are you planning

Harley:and we only took the bats so we could get the bigger birdies....

Harley skipped away leaving Tim and Damian in the cage

Tim:we gotta warn the others

Damian:I know that Drake but how ...


Dick,Jason and Damia made it to the warehouse but no one was there.

Damia:there isn't anyone here..

Dick:maybe we're at the wrong place

Jason:we're not joker said in the video....the place I'm at is where the 2nd Robin went bye bye...

After that was said a light blinked and buzzed on Damia's belt

Dick:what is that

Damia:it only does that when someone is sending a message

Jason:what kind of message....

Damia:that something is a trap

Then a cage was dropped on the 3 of them


Then he came out


Joker:now now...where are your see I'm using you 3 figure out who the bats is

Damia:and you think we're going to tell you... we're one of the sassy ones

Damia:got that right.

Joker did one of his creepy laughs and deepend his voice

Joker:good luck getting out of the cage

The he left

Then green smoke came out of the vents

Damia:what the heck is that

Jason:it's this type of gas that makes you pass out..

Dick:do you think you could pick the lock

Jason:it's a combination lock....Dick your the could get through the cafe and go get help

Dick:alright....stay safe

Dick went through the cage and jumped out the window where they came in from to get help

The green smoke got closer and closer and when it hit Damia and Jason they passed out.

A Red Hood Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now